función de las células madre Caracterizado por los investigadores
The promise of cells mother lies in its unique ability to differentiate into a variety of different cell types. But in order to determine how to use stem cells for new therapies, scientists and engineers who need to answer a fundamental question: if a stem cell changes to look like a certain type of cell, how do we know if it behaves as a kind Cell?
Researchers at Northwestern University's McCormick School of Engineering are the first to fully characterize a special type of stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) that exist in blood circulation, to see if they behave as endothelial cells in the body when grown in the bioengineering area.
The results, published online in the journal Stem Cells promising a new generation of tissue engineered vascular grafts, which could improve the success rate of surgery for peripheral arterial disease. Peripheral artery disease affects an estimated one in 20 Americans over age 50, a total of 8 to 12 million people.
"Normally, stem cells are not studied in the context of improved vascular grafts for bypass surgery. Therefore, we had to develop new tests to assess Its use in this application, "says Guillermo Ameer, lead author and associate professor of biomedical engineering and surgery." We looked at the role of cells in a polymer-based citric acid, which is the basis for new generation of bioengineered vascular grafts. "
In the study, Josephine Allen, then a graduate student in the lab of Amir and his colleagues isolated endothelial progenitor cells from eight tablespoons of blood. In about half the attempts, the team was able to isolate the CPE to expand the production of millions of endothelial cells may behave like the cells of a blood vessel.
Once the endothelium, and cell colonies were established, the research team performed a battery of tests to examine the properties and functionality of the cell.
"These new tests show that these endothelial cells, and can inhibit blood clotting and can prevent platelets from adhering to its surface," says Amir. "But if antagonize or stimulate cells, but also respond in the same way that one of the endothelial cells and blood clot if necessary."
The study is an important step in identifying methods to construct a tissue engineered vascular graft. Synthetic grafts, used to treat common diseases such as peripheral arterial disease, have lower success rates when used in small diameter arteries, such as those found in the leg.
"These small diameter synthetic grafts are more prone to blood clots and other complications, especially in the time," says Amir. "It is believed that a graft of tissue engineering that allow us to retain more of the body's natural defenses against the complications."
The document is entitled Stem Cell "Towards Engineering a human Neoendothelium circulating progenitor cells." Amir addition, other authors are Josephine B. Allen, Sadiya Khan and Karen A. Lapidos, all from Northwestern.
The work was funded by the Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Illinois, the Department of Defense and the American Heart Association. Related article
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