Monday, March 29, 2010

Exercises To Become More Flexible

New build vessels to treat Peripheral Arterial Disease

stem cell stem cells from bone marrow suspended in X-ray visible microbubbles dramatically improve the body's ability to create new blood vessels ; neos in the thigh - to provide a potential future treatment for people with peripheral arterial disease or PAD, according to researchers at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 35th Annual Scientific Meeting in Tampa, Florida

"The marrow stem cells marrow, which have the ability to renew themselves, could open the door to treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with cell-based methods. Future provide a new method to help PAD patients by increasing the number of blood vessels to replace or augment choked with plaque buildup, "said Frank Wacker, MD, a radiologist interventionist Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland "The hope for the future is the use of adult stem cells extracted from bone marrow from a healthy donor and injected the cells into the legs of patients, where there are problems of circulation, stimulating the growth of new or more blood vessels in the legs, improving and circulation, "said veterinary radiologist Dara L. Kraitchman, VMD, Ph.D. "Using an animal model, we found that stem cells in X-ray visible microbubbles dramatically improve the ability to create new blood vessels when a blood vessel in the upper leg has suddenly closed or occluded, "said Kraitchman, associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

"With this treatment, the body was capable of providing a more normal blood supply to the toes, possibly offering hope to drastically reduce or amputation avoidin. The treatment can also be customized for each patient, "he said. Using X-ray techniques by interventional radiologists, researchers see new blood vessels and validated their results by examining the new vessels formed through a microscope, he said.

PAD, which affects about 10 million (mostly old) Americans, is a chronic disease that progressively restricts blood flow causing poor blood circulation (usually in the legs) and if left untreated can lead to serious medical complications, including heart attack, stroke, amputations and death. Many people can control the symptoms of PAD and arrest its progress through lifestyle changes. If the lifestyle changes of life are not sufficient, additional medical treatment may be needed, including medications prescribed to prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and control pain. Interventional radiologists treat severe cases of PAD, with minimally invasive treatments such as angioplasty and stenting. "About 10 percent of PAD patients can not be treated with traditional methods to reopen arteries, such as angioplasty or stents," said Wacker.

Because many treatments, such as placing stents are performed using X-rays, this treatment microbubble stem cells can be performed when an interventional radiologist is to perform a dye study to check the arteries of a patient. From an interventional radiologist can see where she puts Elo stem cells and their retention in the leg, stem cells could potentially be managed where they can do the most good. Treatment may be repeated if necessary.

Hopkins, the researchers used a technique that surrounds the stem cells derived from bone ósea (no a las células madre embrionarias) en una cápsula de alginato o de microburbujas a partir de algas que contiene las células madre para crear factores de contratar la construcción de nuevos buques, junto con una radiografía de contraste visible agente. Probado en un modelo de conejo, la burbuja impide que el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo de alcanzar y atacar a las células trasplantadas. No sólo hizo las células madre de rayos X visible, sino que también hizo que las células madre de hacerse visibles como la manera que la luz de una luciérnaga es visible at night, said Kraitchman. Because the microbubbles protects stem cells from destruction, even if bone marrow from another person, the potential exists to provide this treatment similar to blood transfusions. Like blood transfusions, we can not anticipate what PAD patients need stem cells, so it may be time to harvest stem cells from one's own person in advance for the treatment, said Kraitchman .

"We continue to test the treatment in animals and try to improve methods by noninvasive imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ecografíay measurements of blood pressure, which could be used to monitor patients without exposure to X - rays or the need into a blood vessel to inject dye to see the newly created vessels, "said Kraitchman. "We are also fusion of the X-ray imaging results with other imaging techniques like MRI to provide a better idea of where to place the cells mother, "he added.


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