Monday, March 29, 2010

Flute Ec Cut Headjoint Vs Cy

functional remodeling of human benign prostatic tissue in vivo by NIH Ethics - adult tissue regeneration or remodeling, we suggest start of multipotent stem and progenitor cells \u0026lt;a href = " http://www.crio / "> stem \u0026lt;/ a>. We have recently reported two new human adults tumorigenic lines of prostate epithelial cells and BHPrE1 NHPrE1 that have been generated and characterized in our laboratory. NHPrE1 cells were designated as putative stem cells, showing high levels of expression of stem cells of proteins associated with CD133, CD44, Oct4 and PTEN detected by immunofluorescence (IF) tincióny Western blot. BHPrE1 is defined as intermediate or transit amplifying (TA) cells that express the cell cycle regulation, biomarkers related to p63, p53, p21/WAF1 and RB. We used a recombination tissue xenotransplantation mouse model to compare functional regeneration of human tissues from the prostate gland in vivo.

A series of recombinant tissue by different proportions of the mixture of cells with prostatic NHPrE1 or inductive BHPrE1 rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM), were transplanted to the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice SCID male. Both cell lines could BHPrE1 NHPrE1 and regenerate the human model, the acinar architecture benign secretory ducts in vivo, containing intact basal and luminal epithelial layers. Cytokeratin appropriate profiles were observed in epithelial tissue layers. The differentiation of prostate-associated proteins, such as the androgen receptor (AR), prostate specific antigen (PSA), NKX3.1 and 15-lipoxygenase-2 (15 - LOX-2), were properly expressed in epithelial remodeling.

NHPrE1 Only 10 cells were able to regenerate the structure of benign prostatic glandular when recombined with rat UGM, while 200,000 BHPrE1 cells were necessary to achieve the same. These results suggest a greater proportion of progenitor cells / \u0026lt;a href=" "> stem cells \u0026lt;/ a> NHPrE1 cells in the BHPrE1 cells. The data presented supports the idea that in vivo functional remodeling of human benign prostatic ductal acinar architecture is more efficient when initiated from progenitor course rather than intermediate or transit amplifying cé cells.

cell lines BHPrE1 NHPrE1 and share a number of features make major interest to the research community in urology. First, different molecular characteristics are indicative of possible mechanisms underlying their different abilities, probably due to their different degrees of "stemness."

also of great importance to the field of prostate research, these cells retain expression of key biological markers of human prostate, including AR and the ability to express the differentiation markers associated with PSA, NKX3.1 and 15-LOX-2 when functionally reconstructed in a tissue recombination xenograft mouse model. This represents a breakthrough in this area compared to most current lines of prostate cells. The ability to regenerate functionally benign human prostate ductal acinar architecture with luminal and basal epithelial sub populations that express the appropriate cytokeratin and prostate cancer biomarkers associated with no differentiation of cell lines Prostate currently available to the research community. Both cell lines

BHPrE1 NHPrE1 and provide important data on phenotypes of progenitor cells and medium and represent significant new tools for the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of human prostate regeneration and pathogenesis carcinogenesis. And functionally regenerated recombinant benign prostate tissue, these cell lines are useful models for investigating the biological mechanisms and molecular cell related to the genesis of benign and malignant human prostate.

Graves Disease Radioactive Iodine

Spontaneously complicated requirements research Some embryonic stem cells

Despite the restrictions on federal funding for human embryonic research stem cells are up in the Obama administration, some researchers are finding new ethical requirements burdensome, Washington Post reports.

Under the administration of George W. Bush, only 21 stem cell "lines" was allowed to receive funding federal research. President Obama relaxed the restrictions, but allowed the National Institutes of Health to issue ethical guidelines. The guidelines, in part, requires that the stem cell research with federal funds meet certain ethical criteria, such as ensuring that people who donated the embryos were informed of other options.

Researchers have existing federal subsidies can continue studying the "Bush" lines, but any research involving the new concessions, not even research along the lines of age, must meet the guidelines of the NIH.

is not clear how many of the 21 lines within the guidelines of ethics. According to the Post, the NIH has approved 43 lines, only one of which is the original group of 21 lines. In addition, the NIH still has 115 lines of review, and only two of them are "Bush" lines.

Timothy Kamp, director of the center of and medicine stem cells regeneration at the University of Wisconsin, said: "Some of these lines were obtained over a decade ago," which means that the relevant records may not be available, and may not have records available, while "Some of the researchers derived lines no longer occur" or "could not be motivated to provide the records in a timely manner."

He added: "We are losing access to the lines of this approval process for a period of time - perhaps indefinitely. They are the main workhorses for many of our projects. " Kamp, said that the NIH should review its guidelines for the grandfather of the existing lines to give researchers a period of two years of grace so they can continue their research with new grants.

Lana Skirboll, director of NIH science policy, said the agency is "nice" but added, "Our responsibility is to ensure that we are conducting research lines of responsibility that comes "

Ap Biology Respiration Lab Answers

Therapeutic potential of adult bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells Cancer Blood Stem Cell - adult bone marrow derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have been shown to inhibit tumor growth in different studies. Although MSC express MHC class I molecules, which lack expression of costimulatory molecules and suppress T cell response, which gives the utility to overcome a wide range of immunological barriers. Furthermore, the ability of MSC to home in on sites of tumor growth is well known as plasticity allows them to differentiate into bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, neurons and other tissues. Systemic administration of MSC in mice has been shown to engraft in the tumor microenvironment in many types of cancer and therefore represents an attractive vehicle for gene therapy strategies cell .

In a preclinical mouse model, we have recently shown that the application of unmodified MSC, constitutively expressing (OPG) in inhibiting the growth of prostate tumors in bone formation by new bone and loss prevention bone. Although this treatment has shown promise in the early stages of bone metastasis, it is irrelevant when tested against established prostate tumors in bone. This limitation is because the number of MSC that could be injected into mice of the tibia, an excess of 5x105 cells routinely results in a certain degree of pulmonary embolism. In this scenario, the number of cancer cells in established tumors outnumbered the MSC, resulting in modest therapeutic effects. Apart from

therapeutic benefits of MSC OPG expression in the early stages of bone metastasis, this study also indicates the presentation of bone tissue in bone metastases prostate cancer. In our study, the therapeutic effect of MSC is given initially in the formation of spongy bone around the tumor nests. The spongy bone formation is normal fracture healing and osteoblastic metastases characteristic in Prostate cancer, unlike other types of metastatic bone cancer are primarily osteolytic nature. Based on our observations, we hypothesized that the spongy bone formation of bone metastases in prostate cancer is an endogenous therapeutic response given by the resident MSC. Roudier and colleagues (2008) studied bone samples from patients with prostate cancer and bone metastases showed the spongy bone formation in osteoblastic metastases originate in the skeletal MSC, which also supports our results. When we compare the growth kinetics of large osteolytic PC3 human prostate cancer osteoblastic cell line C4-2B cell line in the tibia of mice, aggressive PC3 cells proliferated and led to severe bone loss within a month, while the C4-2B cells grew to a significantly slower rate, initially generated an osteoblastic phenotype, but in the long run turned to an osteolytic phenotype. We believe that the slow progression of C4-2B cells provides a therapeutic window for endogenous MSC to restore bone loss caused by the initial osteolytic phenomenon required for Ca ; cancer to establish the growth in the bone microenvironment. This observation must be confirmed in human patients with bone metastases prostate.

Our cooperation in the in vitro testing indicate MSC has no negative effect on the proliferation of cell line PC3 prostate cancer. In our animal model, MSC limited the treatment of tumor growth in bone, but not completely remove the tumor. Metastatic tumors Therefore, the therapeutic application of MSC alone may not be sufficient for the eradication of the bones. MSC express tumoricidal Ex vivo gene engineering as well as maintaining self-renewal and differentiation of the properties will be useful as combination therapy. MSC treatment can also be applied as adjuvant therapy in addition to chemotherapy or radiotherapy to restore lost bone mass and prevent cancer, the promotion of mechanisms such as angiogenesis.

This study was based on a tumor located in the tibia of ratóny not accurately represent bone metastases in prostate cancer has become widespread in esqueleto. Por lo tanto, el concepto propuesto debe ser puesta a prueba en un total de metástasis ósea del cuerpo, en un modelo animal preclínicos, antes de la traducción clínica en seres humanos.

Escrito por Diptiman Chanda, PhD, y Selvarangan Ponnazhagan, PhD, como parte de Más allá del resumen en Esta iniciativa ofrece un método de publicación para la comunidad profesional de la urología. Los autores se les da la oportunidad de ampliar las circunstancias, limitaciones, etc, de sus investigaciones con referencia a la publicación abstracto.
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New build vessels to treat Peripheral Arterial Disease

stem cell stem cells from bone marrow suspended in X-ray visible microbubbles dramatically improve the body's ability to create new blood vessels ; neos in the thigh - to provide a potential future treatment for people with peripheral arterial disease or PAD, according to researchers at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 35th Annual Scientific Meeting in Tampa, Florida

"The marrow stem cells marrow, which have the ability to renew themselves, could open the door to treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with cell-based methods. Future provide a new method to help PAD patients by increasing the number of blood vessels to replace or augment choked with plaque buildup, "said Frank Wacker, MD, a radiologist interventionist Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland "The hope for the future is the use of adult stem cells extracted from bone marrow from a healthy donor and injected the cells into the legs of patients, where there are problems of circulation, stimulating the growth of new or more blood vessels in the legs, improving and circulation, "said veterinary radiologist Dara L. Kraitchman, VMD, Ph.D. "Using an animal model, we found that stem cells in X-ray visible microbubbles dramatically improve the ability to create new blood vessels when a blood vessel in the upper leg has suddenly closed or occluded, "said Kraitchman, associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

"With this treatment, the body was capable of providing a more normal blood supply to the toes, possibly offering hope to drastically reduce or amputation avoidin. The treatment can also be customized for each patient, "he said. Using X-ray techniques by interventional radiologists, researchers see new blood vessels and validated their results by examining the new vessels formed through a microscope, he said.

PAD, which affects about 10 million (mostly old) Americans, is a chronic disease that progressively restricts blood flow causing poor blood circulation (usually in the legs) and if left untreated can lead to serious medical complications, including heart attack, stroke, amputations and death. Many people can control the symptoms of PAD and arrest its progress through lifestyle changes. If the lifestyle changes of life are not sufficient, additional medical treatment may be needed, including medications prescribed to prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and control pain. Interventional radiologists treat severe cases of PAD, with minimally invasive treatments such as angioplasty and stenting. "About 10 percent of PAD patients can not be treated with traditional methods to reopen arteries, such as angioplasty or stents," said Wacker.

Because many treatments, such as placing stents are performed using X-rays, this treatment microbubble stem cells can be performed when an interventional radiologist is to perform a dye study to check the arteries of a patient. From an interventional radiologist can see where she puts Elo stem cells and their retention in the leg, stem cells could potentially be managed where they can do the most good. Treatment may be repeated if necessary.

Hopkins, the researchers used a technique that surrounds the stem cells derived from bone ósea (no a las células madre embrionarias) en una cápsula de alginato o de microburbujas a partir de algas que contiene las células madre para crear factores de contratar la construcción de nuevos buques, junto con una radiografía de contraste visible agente. Probado en un modelo de conejo, la burbuja impide que el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo de alcanzar y atacar a las células trasplantadas. No sólo hizo las células madre de rayos X visible, sino que también hizo que las células madre de hacerse visibles como la manera que la luz de una luciérnaga es visible at night, said Kraitchman. Because the microbubbles protects stem cells from destruction, even if bone marrow from another person, the potential exists to provide this treatment similar to blood transfusions. Like blood transfusions, we can not anticipate what PAD patients need stem cells, so it may be time to harvest stem cells from one's own person in advance for the treatment, said Kraitchman .

"We continue to test the treatment in animals and try to improve methods by noninvasive imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ecografíay measurements of blood pressure, which could be used to monitor patients without exposure to X - rays or the need into a blood vessel to inject dye to see the newly created vessels, "said Kraitchman. "We are also fusion of the X-ray imaging results with other imaging techniques like MRI to provide a better idea of where to place the cells mother, "he added.

Piriformis Syndrome And Urination

stem cell gene delivery costs to milliseconds instead of years

Like a magician who says, "Pick a Card, Any Card", the scientist from the Stanford University team Debashis Sahoo, PhD, appeared to offer some kind of trick when asked researchers Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine to choose any two genes already known to be involved in the development of stem cells. Finding these genes may take years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, but was skeptical scientists promising Sahoo stem cell in a split second and almost zero cost, we could find new genes involved in the same development path as the two genes that provide. Sahoo

came to demonstrate that this amazing feat can actually be done. The proof of principle for the idea, published online March 15 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, opening a powerful way to carry out mathematical research with stem cells and shows the power of interdisciplinary collaboration in science. Also shows that computers using existing databases to mine radical can accelerate research in the laboratory. Ultimately can lead to progress in various areas of medicine as the diagnosis of disease or cancer treatment.

Biologists have long used the mathematics and statistics in their work. In the simplest case, when looking for genes involved in particular biological process, looking for genes that have a symmetrical relationship. For example, if you know A gene is involved in a particular process, trying to determine if the C gene is related to the gene, during the same process.

four years ago, while studying for his doctorate in electrical engineering consultant David Dill, PhD, professor of computer science and co-director Sylvia Plevritis, PhD, associate professor radiology, Sahoo took a class inmunologíay realized that many of the relationships in biology are not symmetrical, but asymmetrical. As an analogy, Sahoo observed that fruit trees will almost certainly be gone, but the trees outside the fruiting season may or may not have leaves, depending on the season. Dill

Sahoo and realized that these asymmetrical relations can be found through the application of Boolean logic, in which the researchers established a series of if / then rules and then recorded the data of candidates that meet all standards. For example, scientists may know that a gene is active early in the development of cells and the C gene is active much later. By detecting large public databases, Sahoo can find the genes that are rarely active when one is active, and almost always active when C is active in many other cell types. Then, researchers can test to determine whether these genes are activated between early and late stages of development.

The paper, lead author Sahoo looked at gene expression patterns in the development of an immune cell called B cell Using two B-genes de las células conocidas, sahoo buscado a través de bases de datos con miles de productos de los genes en milisegundos y encontraron 62 genes que coincidían con los patrones que él espera ver los genes que se enciende en medio de la activación de los dos genes que comenzó con . Luego examinó bases de datos de participación de 41 cepas de ratones de laboratorio que había sido diseñada para ser deficiente en uno o más de los 62 genes. De los 41 cepas, 26 tenían defectos en el desarrollo de las células B.

"Esta fue la validación method "Sahoo said. "Biologists are really surprised that with only a computer algorithm, in milliseconds I can find the genes that it takes a very long time to isolate in the laboratory." He added that I was particularly pleased that the information comes from databases that are widely available and other scientists have already sacrificed the information. Sahoo

now using the technique to find new genes that play a role in the development of cancers.

"This shows that the computational analysis of existing data may provide clues about which researchers must look ahead," he said. "This is something that could have an impact on cancer. It's exciting. "

interdisciplinary team that contributed to the results of the collaboration of researchers, both in the School of the Faculty of Medicine Ingenieríay. In addition to dill (the main author of the document) and Plevritis, the co-authors include Irving Weissman, MD, director of the Institute of Stanford stem cells, and postdoctoral scholars in June Seita, PhD, Matthew Inlay, PhD, and Deepto Bhattacharya, PhD, who recently moved to Stanford School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis.

Funding for this research came from the National Institutes of Health, Stem Cell Institute Siebel, at the Thomas and Stacey Siebel Foundation, the Cancer Research Institute, the Institute National Cancer Institute of Regenerative Medicine in California. Contribute to Better translation

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Contribute to Better translation: Computational Feat
Find shipping genes to milliseconds instead of years:

Like a magician who says, "Pick a Card, Any Card" scientist Stanford University team Debashis Sahoo, PhD, appeared to offer some kind of trick when asked researchers at the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine to choose any two genes already known to be involved in the development of stem cells. Finding these genes may last years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, but was skeptical scientists Sahoo promising stem cell in a split second and almost zero cost, we could find new genes involved in the same development path as the two genes that provide. Sahoo

came to demonstrate that this amazing feat can actually be done. The proof of principle for the idea, published online March 15 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, opening a powerful way to carry out mathematical investigations stem cell and shows the power of interdisciplinary collaboration in science. It also shows that computers using existing databases to mine radical can accelerate research in the laboratory. Ultimately can lead to progress in various areas of medicine as the diagnosis of disease or cancer treatment.

Biologists have long used the mathematics and statistics in their work. In the simplest case, when looking for genes involved in a biological process particular, are looking for genes that have a symmetrical relationship. For example, if you know that a gene is involved in a particular process, trying to determine if the C gene is related to the gene, during the same process.

four years ago, while studying for his doctorate in electrical engineering consultant David Dill, PhD, professor of computer science and co-director Sylvia Plevritis, PhD, associate professor radiology, Sahoo took a class inmunologíay realized that many of the relationships in biology are not symmetrical, but asymmetrical. As an analogy, Sahoo observed that fruit trees will almost certainly be gone, but the trees outside the fruiting season may or may not have leaves, depending on the season . Dill

Sahoo and realized that these asymmetrical relations can be found through the application of Boolean logic, in which the researchers established a series of if / then rules and then recorded the data of candidates that meet all standards. For example, scientists could know that a gene is active early in the development of cells, and gene C is active much later. By detecting large public databases, Sahoo can find the genes that are rarely active when one is active, and almost always active when C is active in many other cell types. Then, researchers can test to determine whether these genes are activated between early and late stages of development.

The paper, lead author Sahoo looked at gene expression patterns in developing immune cell called a B cell Using two B-cell genes known Sahoo searched through databases of thousands of gene products in milliseconds and found 62 genes that matched the patterns he expects to see genes that are turned in through the activation of the two genes that started with. Then examined databases involving 41 strains of laboratory mice that had been designed to be deficient in one or more of the 62 genes. Of the 41 strains, 26 had defects in the development of B cells

"This was the validation of the method," Sahoo said. "Biologists are really surprised that with only a computer algorithm, in milliseconds I can find the genes that it takes a very long time to isolate in the laboratory." He added that I was particularly pleased that the information comes from databases that are widely available and other scientists have already sacrificed the information. Sahoo

now are using technology to find new genes that play a role in cancer development.

"This shows that the computational analysis of existing data may provide clues about which researchers must look ahead," he said. "This is something that could have an impact on cancer. It's exciting. "

interdisciplinary team that contributed to the results of the collaboration of researchers, both in the School of the Faculty of Medicine Ingenieríay. In addition to dill (the main author of the document) and Plevritis, the co-authors include Irving Weissman, MD, director of the Stem Cell Institute at Stanford, and postdoctoral scholars in June Seita, PhD, Matthew Inlay, PhD, and Deepto Bhattacharya, PhD, who recently moved to Stanford School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis.

Funding for this research came from the National Institutes of Health, Stem Cell Institute Siebel, at the Thomas and Stacey Siebel Foundation, the Cancer Research Institute, the Institute National Cancer Institute and the Institute of Medicine Regenerative California. Related article

Poptropica Map Of Space

News Journal of Clinical Investigation Online Early: March 15, 2010

stem cells known as Drug inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTKIs) are commonly used to treat various cancers, but may be used to effectively treat infectious diseases has not been determined. Paul Kaye and his colleagues at the University of York, UK, have begun to address this issue, showing that the cancer drug sunitinib maleate (which is a RTKI) blocks of various symptoms disease in mouse models of visceral leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease caused by parasites Leishmania donovani and Leishmania infantum.

In the study, although the sunitinib maleate treatment only prevented the development of various symptoms of visceral leishmaiasis that does not cause a reduction in tissue parasite burden. However, the sequential administration of sunitinib maleate and conventional antileishmanial drugs led to parasite clearance, effective with ten times less than conventional drugs normally required to achieve this effect. This, the authors suggest that using a RTKI before administration los medicamentos convencionales antileishmanial puede ser clínicamente útil en el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis visceral.

TÍTULO: La inhibición del receptor de la tirosina quinasas inmunocompetencia restaura y mejora la inmunidad dependiente de la quimioterapia contra la leishmaniasis experimental en ratones

INFLAMACIÓN: reparar tejidos dañados: el papel de madre hematopoyéticas / células progenitoras

Las células madre hematopoyéticas (HSC), y las células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (HPCs) son la fuente de células circulating in the blood. Also been suggested to play a role in tissue repair at sites of inflammation. Using two mouse models of sterile inflammation, Israel Charo and colleagues at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, San Francisco, have found that HSCs / HPCs are recruited to sites of inflammation, where they promote tissue repair, and protein expression of CCR2 is crucial for their ability to be hired.

In the study, an observation of particular interest, given that the most common acute liver failure in the developed world is acute acetaminophen (paracetamol) overdose, administration of normal HSCs / HPCs, but not those lacking CCR2, accelerated repair liver damage induced by paracetamol in mice. The authors hope that further define the molecular mechanisms that control the recruitment of HSCs / HPCs to sites of inflammation provide a framework for the development of therapies based on cells DAMAGE or organs.

TITLE: CCR2 mediates hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells trafficking to sites of inflammation in mice

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Homemade Biohazard Suit

amniotic fluid cells more efficiently reprogrammed to pluripotency of adult

In a breakthrough that can help fill a critical need in the stem cell research and patient care, researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have shown that cells skin found in human amniotic fluid can be effectively "reprogrammed" to pluripotency, which have characteristics similar to human embryonic stem cells can become virtually any cell in the human body. The study is online now and will appear in print in the next issue of the journal of cell reprogramming (before cloning and stem cells), to be published next month.

Mount Sinai researchers found that compared with cultured skin cells of adult, amniotic fluid, skin cells form colonies of stem cells in half the time and gave up nearly 200 percent number. Reprogramación de las células de la piel del feto también reduce significativamente el costo de generar específicas del paciente células madre pluripotentes inducidas, en comparación con reprogramación de otros tipos de células.

"Sigue siendo hoy una necesidad en la investigación de células madre para un tipo de células reprogramables fácilmente", dijo el autor principal del estudio, el Dr. Katalin Polgar, Profesor Asistente de Medicina, Cardiología y Obstetricia, ginecología y ciencias reproductivas, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. "Nuestro estudio demuestra que la reprogramación de cultivo, diferenciación terminal de líquido amniótico cells results in pluripotent stem cells that are identical to human embryonic stem cells, and is much easier, faster and more efficient than the neonatal and adult cell reprogramming. "

skin cells amniotic fluid can obtain safe for pregnant women undergoing amniocentesis at about 15 weeks of pregnancy as part of a diagnostic study of chromosome aberrations and other genetic diseases. About 99 percent of the cells found in amniotic fluid are terminally differentiated cells mostly fetal skin, that are deposited in the amniotic fluid as a fetus develops. Because these cells can be reprogrammed to pluripotency more efficient than other types of cells, could be an important source of generation of stem cells for basic research and future therapies and can be used to study and cure diseases threatening human embryonic prenatal therapy , perinatal gene.

"We amniotic fluid induced skin cells to return to its final stage differentiated back to an undifferentiated stage where stem cells can develop into any cell type in the body," said Dr. Polgar. "The fluid cells amniotic work much better than any other cell type when you turn back your "internal clock." These cells can potentially be used as a model system to study various regenerative therapies for heart, liver, kidney, lung, pancreas, and for the replacement of neurons lost in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, including vaccines against cancer. Also be used for the future of personalized stem cell banks. as induced pluripotent stem cells from skin cells of amniotic fluid are cells from the patient, no immunorejection risk or teratocarcinoma formation.

"In addition, stem cells from amniotic fluid reprogrammed skin cells could be used for drug discovery in disease models," added Dr. Polgar. "Its potential use in toxicology models could reduce the need for experimental animals. The development of individual cell lines from amniotic fluid can accelerate the development of existing targets for different diseases. All this will bring new opportunities to explore innovative therapeutic models or custom white regenerative medicine. "

Scientists were able to genetically reprogram the skin cells of amniotic fluid, using four transcription factors (proteins that regulate gene transcription) OCT3 / 4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-MYC. After reprogramming, the cells were found to be identical to human embryonic stem cells in many ways, including morphological features and growth, antigenic markers of stem cells, gene expression of stem cell and telomerase activity in vitro and in vivo differentiation.

"These reprogrammed cells from the fluid amniotic are capable of forming, such as embryonic stem cells, three-dimensional spheroid structures called "embryoid bodies. "They also have the ability to self-renew indefinitely. Pluripotent stem cells created from amniotic fluid cells derive from the fetal skin to maintain the full potential of embryonic stem cells without using embryos, thus eliminating the ethical concerns associated with stem cells human embryonic preimplantation embryos obtained, "said Dr. Polgar.

addition to Dr. Katalin Polgar, co-authors of the study are: Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, Director, Mount Sinai Heart, the Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute and Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Center for Cardiovascular Health, Roger Hajjar, MD, Professor, Director of Cardiovascular Research Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Robert J. Desnick, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Dean of Genetics and Genomics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Michael Brodman, MD, Professor and Chairman of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Related article

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My Toes Are Turning Black

Health Researchers at UT in rats have shown that transplantation of genetically modified Trillium

UT Health in rats have shown that transplantation of genetically modified adult stem cells in an injured spinal cord can help restore electrical pathways associated with movement. The results are published in the February 24 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. In spinal cord injury, demyelination, or destruction of the myelin sheath in the system central nervous occurs. myelin sheath, produced by cells called oligodendrocytes, wrap the nerve axons and helps isolate the activity rate and electrical conduction. Without it, nerves can not send messages to the muscles that move. The research team, led by Cao Quilin, MD, lead researcher and associate professor of neurosurgery at UT Health (The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston), found that stem cells transplanted adult (oligodendrocyte precursor cells or OPC) of the spinal cord could become oligodendrocytes. The new cells helped restore electrical pathways of the spinal cord and therefore function in a process called remyelination. Cao said two important discoveries were the isolation of precursor cells and adult bone marrow before transplanting in the bone marrow, genetically modifying them to express the factor neurotró ; traffic ciliary (CNTF), a protein that stimulates nerve growth. In preliminary experiments, also published in this document, CNTF was shown to facilitate the survival and differentiation of OPCs in cell culture. "More importantly, the evidence of remyelination was shown to coincide exactly with the anatomical location of the motor pathways of the spinal cord white matter" said Cao. "These recent data provide confidence that the mechanism by which OPCs are grafted to improve functional recovery through remyelination. " Previous studies by the team and other researchers have shown that graft survival OPC after transplantation in spinal cord injury and recovery of increasing the movement, but the mechanical connection with remyelination only been theorized. In this research, the results showed no significantly enhanced recovery behavior, driving performance and ultra-structural electrophysiological testing remyelination. The clinical significance is twofold, Cao said, "First, it confirms what has been suggested by these and other authors that the stem cell graft in attempts to myelinate an injured spinal cord is a viable therapeutic strategy. Secondly, strongly warns optimal recovery using this approach requires more than just graft cells naive precursors. " Funding for research was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, the National Center for Research Resources, Mission Connect TIRR Foundation. Co-investigators of the study were H. Dong Kim, MD, chairman and professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the UT Medical School Health and director of the Mischer Neuroscience Institute at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center, and R. Scott Whittemore, Ph. D, professor of neurological surgery at the University of Louisville and the director of Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center. Related article cord Bank cord stem cell bank umbilical cord stem cells

Southpark French Online

expands and enters pipe Immunology stem cell en campo a través

Trillium Therapeutics Inc. (TTI) a biopharmaceutical company developing innovative biological immune system, has announced that it has signed two definitive licensing agreements with University Health Network (UHN) and the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Ontario, the Trillium grant worldwide exclusive rights to commercialize two programs in the areas of immunology transplantation hematopoietic stem cells and cancer.

"We are very pleased to have strengthened our franchise in immunology and have strengthened our existing ties with the world of Toronto community of immunology class. Our relationship with long-term productive UHN is a good omen for the success of this new collaboration, "said Dr. Niclas Stiernholm, CEO of Trillium. "This transaction is an example of how Canadian soil science deals can and should be marketed by our national biotechnology industry, something that should be encouraged and supported also by the government and investor groups.

The first project approved by TTI is to improve the engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells by way of a key immunoregulatory anxious to evade the host immune system from attacking the transplanted stem cells. The second program focuses on the treatment of various cancers by way of antagonizing the same cancer stem cells, stimulating the patient's own immune system to attack cancer. Drs. John Dick, and Jean Wang of UHN, and Dr. Jayne Danish, world renowned scientists in their respective fields and the inventors of these technologies, first published its initial findings in the journal Nature Immunology in December 2007. Through co-sponsored research agreements, which will work closely with Trillium scientific team to advance this cutting-edge science of human testing.

Dr. Christopher Paige, VP Research at UHN said: "We are very pleased to have established this partnership with a dynamic company like Canadian biotechnology Trillium Therapeutics. Represents an excellent example of how research in hospitals and SickKids can work UHN together to translate cutting-edge discoveries research on new product development opportunities. "Dr. Janet Rossant, SickKids Chief of Research added" research collaborations between scientists of our institutions have now been extended to interactions with the private sector development, which clearly indicates that we can provide research and biotherapeutic development together in Toronto. "

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función de las células madre Caracterizado por los investigadores

The promise of cells mother lies in its unique ability to differentiate into a variety of different cell types. But in order to determine how to use stem cells for new therapies, scientists and engineers who need to answer a fundamental question: if a stem cell changes to look like a certain type of cell, how do we know if it behaves as a kind Cell?

Researchers at Northwestern University's McCormick School of Engineering are the first to fully characterize a special type of stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) that exist in blood circulation, to see if they behave as endothelial cells in the body when grown in the bioengineering area.

The results, published online in the journal Stem Cells promising a new generation of tissue engineered vascular grafts, which could improve the success rate of surgery for peripheral arterial disease. Peripheral artery disease affects an estimated one in 20 Americans over age 50, a total of 8 to 12 million people.

"Normally, stem cells are not studied in the context of improved vascular grafts for bypass surgery. Therefore, we had to develop new tests to assess Its use in this application, "says Guillermo Ameer, lead author and associate professor of biomedical engineering and surgery." We looked at the role of cells in a polymer-based citric acid, which is the basis for new generation of bioengineered vascular grafts. "

In the study, Josephine Allen, then a graduate student in the lab of Amir and his colleagues isolated endothelial progenitor cells from eight tablespoons of blood. In about half the attempts, the team was able to isolate the CPE to expand the production of millions of endothelial cells may behave like the cells of a blood vessel.

Once the endothelium, and cell colonies were established, the research team performed a battery of tests to examine the properties and functionality of the cell.

"These new tests show that these endothelial cells, and can inhibit blood clotting and can prevent platelets from adhering to its surface," says Amir. "But if antagonize or stimulate cells, but also respond in the same way that one of the endothelial cells and blood clot if necessary."

The study is an important step in identifying methods to construct a tissue engineered vascular graft. Synthetic grafts, used to treat common diseases such as peripheral arterial disease, have lower success rates when used in small diameter arteries, such as those found in the leg.

"These small diameter synthetic grafts are more prone to blood clots and other complications, especially in the time," says Amir. "It is believed that a graft of tissue engineering that allow us to retain more of the body's natural defenses against the complications."

The document is entitled Stem Cell "Towards Engineering a human Neoendothelium circulating progenitor cells." Amir addition, other authors are Josephine B. Allen, Sadiya Khan and Karen A. Lapidos, all from Northwestern.

The work was funded by the Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Illinois, the Department of Defense and the American Heart Association. Related article

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Novela el tratamiento del ictus Pases de Seguridad de escena de la UCI-Led de ensayos clínicos

A clinical research study of a new treatment to restore damaged brain cells from stroke has passed a safety milestone, according to the neurologist at UC Irvine, who led the effort.

Dr. Steven C. Cramer said the patients showed no adverse effects after sequential administration of growth factors, stimulating the creation of neurons in stroke-damaged brain areas. All new security pharmaceutical treatments should pass this stage before doctors could study their effectiveness in future studies.

The results of a Phase IIa trial appear on the website of the journal Stroke, a journal of the American Association Heart.

Within two days of suffering an ischemic stroke, patients were placed in a nine-day course of treatment, starting with three injections once daily of beta-hCG, a hormone that causes the growth of stem cells neural . Then, once received three daily injections of erythropoietin, a hormone that directs neural stem cells to become neurons.

Cramer, associate professor of neurology at UCI, said this combination of growth factors has been demonstrated in animal studies to generate the creation of the neuron leading to the recovery range of motion.

The study of human security, teamed with doctors at the University of California Irvine Medical Center, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, California, and the University of Calgary in Canada. Treatment was administered to 15 patients. There were no security problems, and most patients with minimal or no disability after three months.

A Phase IIb trial currently underway to compare the movement therapy with placebo.

The study is supported by Stem Cell Therapeutics - a Canadian biotechnology company that devised an approach using the sequence specific growth factors - and the National Center for Research Resources. Related article

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