Monday, September 6, 2010

What Kind Of Helmet For A Vespa

The breakdown of Alice

Advancement of Chapter 10 of Honey, I bought you a ring : The dream wedding of Bella.

- Bella! Alice exclaimed, turning his head toward me at breakneck speed and showing two bottles of pink nail polish Which do you prefer? Is the number nine or twenty-five?

My eyes jumped from one color to another. Were equal. Wrinkled forehead, squinting in an attempt to get a better view. Shit. Remained the same. What was supposed to mean?

Come on, Bella. Think. Think. THINK.

-Hmm ... nine? "I suggested hesitantly, without having the slightest idea what he was talking. Fuck. For more than look, they still look the same.

- Nine? Alice repeated, not very convinced. Noted the small boat, with a frown Do not you think it's too bright? Perhaps as color is aggressive for a wedding. "Too

estrogen Jacob spoke to me," I'm going, before you manage to change my sexual orientation.

He turned with the intention of escaping from there, but as his hand clutched the latch, the authoritative voice stopped him Alice. And although it was back to her and therefore was unable to see my friend glared at him, I was certain that a shiver of terror swept through her spine.

-not you dare move, "ordered Alice Jacob -. I need some sanity to not go crazy male. Why it seemed a good idea to surround myself with women hours before my wedding? Air-launched, to no one in particular, as if speaking aloud a troubled and dramatic monologue mental - Why, why , I decided to appoint as my bridesmaids two women?

Rosalie, who until then had been able to keep his temper under control, he decided that was enough. Launched an exasperated huff, crossing his arms and composing his most frightening face. Without even uttering a single word yet, had got to her side, Alice hysterical screams will stay in simple anecdote harmless.

- Why the bridesmaids are, by definition, women, perhaps? He suggested harsh tone.

- It's my wedding and I decide! Cried Alice "Besides, between you and your little speech moral and ultimatums Bella and me are getting on very difficult. Bella! He cried, startled by his sudden mood swings. "All brides are crazy much? - Was it necessary dejarme sin dos invitados a escasas horas de la boda? ¿Sabes lo difícil que ha sido reorganizar a mis invitados? Los asientos en la ceremonia, las mesas del banquete… ¡todo! ¿No podíais haber arreglado vuestras cosas sin sacarme de quicio y sin alterar mi perfectamente organizada boda?

Observé a Alice, con los ojos a punto de salirse de sus órbitas, la cara roja por el esfuerzo y los dos botes de laca aún en sus manos. Aquello se nos estaba yendo de las manos.

—Alice… —comencé suavemente, en un intento por hacer que la crisis not more nervous. But Rose cut me off.

"Alice, you're talking about Edward and Bella. The couple of melodramatic, remember? It is impossible to solve their problems without a cushy ride. Deal with it.

Taking charge of the situation, Rosalie Alice took her by the shoulders, lifting of the bed and making them sit in front of the toilet. He snatched one of the cans of paint from his hands, speaking with an authoritative tone: "And

stick with this color. The other looks straight out of makeup bag a stripper.


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