Monday, April 12, 2010

Looking For Dora Backpack Project

growth factor accelerate the pace of discovery in cancer research

Moffitt Cancer Center y Proteacel LLC han anunciado que han firmado un acuerdo de licencia en virtud del cual Proteacel ha adquirido los derechos exclusivos sobre la tecnología ™ de poro para la entrega de genes en las células.

Los genes son las instrucciones que se acumulan las células. Los defectos in these genes cause disease, including cancer. To understand how these genes work and their participation in a disease process, researchers need to study and modify them. The most common way to study gene function is to transfer the gene into the cells. Transfection is the process of introducing foreign DNA, or genes, into cells. This fundamental process is essential in conducting medical research. However, the low rates of high transfeccióny cell death is currently creating bottlenecks.

Under the direction of Dr. Deepak Agrawal, Moffitt researchers have developed a proprietary technology that enhances the functionality and performance of transfection technology. The patented technology optimization improved repair perforacióny PORE ™ solves a series of immediate problems in the use of transfection by creating a higher level of efficiency and cell viability. This is particularly valuable for cell madre y células primarias que son las más relevancia médica y los más difíciles de transfectar.

"Estoy muy contento de que la tecnología PORE ™ se pondrá a disposición de los investigadores de todo el mundo", dijo Agrawal. "Creemos que PORE ™ impulsarán descubrimiento biológico, permitiendo un uso más eficaz de células madre y células primarias para la investigación, el descubrimiento de fármacos y el desarrollo de terapias celulares".

"The initial activity will Proteacel business Proteacel specific recruitment for hard to transfect transfect cell lines with DNA found," said Dr. Joseph Zendegui, president and director of operations Proteacel. "Target customers for this service are academic institutions and biotechnology companies in the field of biomedical research. PORE ™ and use our technology base, we will expand our efforts in the development and commercialization of drug discovery, cell differentiation assays.

"We are excited to see this change of technology from research laboratories at Moffitt Cancer Center in the capable hands of Proteacel for its continued development," said Ray Carpenter of the Office of Moffitt Tecnologíay Marketing Management. "In addition, our office will be focused on saving employers and teachers to nurture Moffitt local opportunities for making up of the company. "


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