Embryonic cells transplanted Create new period of brain "plasticity" Keep Alive
UCSF scientists report they were able to bring a new period of "plasticity" or ability to change in the neural circuitry of the visual cortex of young rats. The approach, they say, could someday be used to create new periods of plasticity in the human brain that allows the repair of neural circuitry after injury or illness.
The strategy - which involved transplanting a specific type of immature neurons from embryonic mice in the visual cortex of young mice - Could be used to treat the altered neural circuitry in abnormal fetal development or postnatal, stroke, traumatic brain injury, psychiatric illness and aging.
Like all regions of the brain, the visual cortex goes through a very plastic during early childhood. The cells respond strongly to visual signals, which relay a quick, directed from one cell for the next in a process known as synaptic transmission. Produced chemical connections en este proceso de producción de circuitos neuronales que es crucial para la función del sistema visual. En los ratones, este período crítico de plasticidad se produce hacia el final de la cuarta semana de vida.
El catalizador de la plasticidad denominado período crítico en la corteza visual es el desarrollo de la señalización sináptica de las neuronas que liberan el neurotransmisor GABA inhibitorio. Estas neuronas reciben señales de otras neuronas excitadoras, contribuyendo así a mantener el equilibrio de la excitación y la inhibición en el sistema visual.
In their study, published in the journal Science, (Vol. 327. No. 5969, 2010), the scientists wanted to determine whether embryonic neurons, once they had become GABA-inhibitory neurons production, may induce plasticity in mice after the normal critical period had closed. The first team
dissected immature neurons from their origin in the median eminence embryonic node (MEG) of embryonic mice. Then transplanted MGE cells in the visual cortex of animals at two different stages minors. The stem cells aimed at the visual cortex were scattered throughout the region, matured into neurons GABAergic inhibition, and made widespread synaptic connections with excitatory neurons.
The scientists then conducted a process known as monocular visual deprivation, which blocked the visual cues for an eye in each animal for four days. When this process takes place during the critical period, the cells in the cortex visual rapidly become less sensitive to the private eye of sensory stimulation, and become more sensitive to non-private eye, creating changes in neural circuits. This phenomenon, known as ocular dominance plasticity, greatly decreases as the brain matures beyond this critical period of postnatal development.
The team wanted to see if the transplanted cells will affect the visual system's response to visual deprivation after the critical period. Researchers The effects of stem cell after allowing them to grow for various lengths of time. When cells were as young as 17 days old or as old as 43 days old, which had little impact on neural circuits in the region. However, when they were 33-39 days old, its impact was significant. During that time, the monocular visual deprivation neuronal responses changed away from private eye to the non-private eye, revealing the status of ocular dominance plasticity.
Naturally occurring, or endogenous, inhibitory neurons are also around 33-39 days of age when the normal period critical for plasticity occurs. Therefore, the impact that the transplanted cells "occurred once they had reached the age cell inhibitory neurons during the normal critical period.
The finding, the team says, suggests that the normal critical period of plasticity in the visual cortex is governed by a developmental program intrinsic inhibitory neurons, and inhibitory neurons may retain embryonic precursors and run this program when transplanted into the cortex after birth, so the creation of a new period of plasticity.
"The findings suggest that ultimately it may be possible using transplantation of inhibitory neurons, or some factor that is produced by inhibitory neurons to create a new period of plasticity DURATION n limited to repair damaged brains, "says the author Sunil P. Gandhi, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Michael Stryker, PhD, professor of fisiologíay member of the Centro Integral Keck Neuroscience at UCSF. "It will be important to determine if the transplant is equally effective in older animals."
Similarly, "the findings raise a fundamental question: how these cells, as go through a specific stage of development, creating these windows of plasticity? , The author says Derek G. Southwell, PhD, a student in the laboratory of Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, PhD, Heather and Melanie Muss Professor of Neurological Surgery and a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Health and Regeneration Research stem cell at UCSF.
The results could be relevant to understanding why learn certain behaviors, such as language, easily occurs in young children but not adults, says Alvarez-Buylla. "Grafted MGE cells may someday provide a way to induce cortical plasticity and learning in the future."
The results also complement two other recent studies using cells from MGE UCSF help ; na modify neural circuits. In a collaborative study between the laboratories of Scott Baraban, PhD, professor of neurological surgery, John Rubinstein, MD, PhD, professor of psychiatry, and Alvarez-Buylla, cells were grafted into the neocortex of rodents juvenile, which reduced the intensity and frequency of epileptic seizures. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, no. 36, 2009). Other teams are exploring this tactic, too.
In the other study (Cell Stem Cell, vol. 6, Number 3, 2010), the UCSF scientists reported the first use of MGES to treat motor symptoms in mice with a condition designed to mimic Parkinson's disease. The finding was reported by the laboratory of Arnold Kriegstein, MD, PhD, UCSF professor of neurologíay director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF, in collaboration with Alvarez-Buylla and Bankiewicz Krys, MD, PhD, UCSF professor of neurological surgery.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
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stem cells in the adult brain signals requires
University of California, Berkeley, biologists have found a sign that keeps stem cells alive in the adult brain, providing a focus for scientists seeking ways to grow again or return to the seed of stem cells in the brain to allow the damaged areas repaired.
Researchers discovered in fruit flies to keep the accelerated insulin receptor in the brain prevents the death of neural stem cells that occurs when most brain regions mature into adult form. Whether the same technique work in humans is unknown, but the team hopes to discover Berkeley.
"This work does not point the way to take an adult who has lost the stem cells and bringing them back mysteriously, but suggests that mechanisms may be operating to get rid of them in the first place, "said K. Hariharan Iswara, UC Berkeley professor of molecular and cellular biology. "Also, if you were able to introduce neural stem cells in adult brain, suggesting that such mechanisms may need to have in place to keep them alive."
Hariharan noted
that other researchers have obtained stem cells Neural persist by blocking the genes that cause his death. However, this alone does not produce healthy cells, nerves, normal-looking mother who can make mature neurons. The new finding team of UC Berkeley shows that it is also necessary to provide a signal similar to insulin. If you stop neuronal stem cell death is analogous to taking the foot off the brake, then providing a signal similar to insulin is like stepping on the gas, he said. Both are essential.
Hariharan, post-doctoral researcher Sarah E. Siegrist y sus colegas publicaron sus hallazgos en la versión online de la revista Current Biology. Su informe aparecerá en abril de la revista 13 edición impresa.
La mayoría de las áreas del cerebro adulto de mamíferos y cerebro de la mosca de fruta carecen de las células madre neurales, las únicas células capaces de generar neuronas en toda regla. Presumiblemente, Hariharan dijo, la falta de células madre neurales es la razón por la lesión cerebral no está en condiciones de reemplazar las neuronas muertas.
En el nuevo estudio, Siegrist showed that stem cells present in the pupal stage of the fruit fly have been in the adult brain, and they die, and not only in mature neurons. Stem cells were persisted longer in the body of mushrooms, a region of fly brain responsible for memory and learning that, somehow, is like the hippocampus in humans.
In subsequent experiments, tried to prevent the death of neural stem cells in fruit flies genetically by blocking a process called programmed cell death (apoptosis). Although this allowed the stem cells to survive longer, the cells were small and did many neurons. In fact, Siegrist said, showed signs of growth retardation, suggesting the withdrawal of insulin.
then tried to mimic various genetic manipulations of the insulin signal type, this time with fruit flies with mutant genes also blocked apoptosis. Surprisingly, neural stem cells persisted for at least a month and has even spawned many mature, apparently normal nerve cells.
"These neural stem cells seem to behave properly express the proteins expected to express neural stem cells, which resemble their normal counterparts, and most importantly, have to change the EC , normal cells that develop into mature nerve cells that put out processes (axons) that in some cases, appear to be normal processes go, "said Siegrist. "We do not know whether these cells function normally or are electrically active. At least it is encouraging that we did get the nerve cells a part of the fruit fly () of the brain that normally can not make nerve cells in the adult brain. "
" Sarah had to make two manipulations together to keep these neural stem cells alive, and did not work alone, "said Hariharan. "One was to maintain the insulin signal on, and one was to block programmed cell death. Every things improved a bit, but when he did the two together, neural stem cells survived for a month when they had reneged on mature neurons or normal looking neurons sent out processes. "
Siegrist plans to continue his search through mutant fruit flies to find other genes that enhance survival in the mushroom body and leave the stem cells in other brain areas of the fly persist. She also plans to explore collaborations similar mechanisms in mammals, to see if similar manipulation could keep alive the neural stem cells in the mammalian brain.
"In fruit flies, the pathways downstream of the insulin receptor are important to maintain neural stem cells alive, "said Siegrist. "Mammals have the same genes downstream of the insulin receptor, so you can find the same response to insulin or growth factors insulin-like mammals." About 40
University of California, Berkeley, biologists have found a sign that keeps stem cells alive in the adult brain, providing a focus for scientists seeking ways to grow again or return to the seed of stem cells in the brain to allow the damaged areas repaired.
Researchers discovered in fruit flies to keep the accelerated insulin receptor in the brain prevents the death of neural stem cells that occurs when most brain regions mature into adult form. Whether the same technique work in humans is unknown, but the team hopes to discover Berkeley.
"This work does not point the way to take an adult who has lost the stem cells and bringing them back mysteriously, but suggests that mechanisms may be operating to get rid of them in the first place, "said K. Hariharan Iswara, UC Berkeley professor of molecular and cellular biology. "Also, if you were able to introduce neural stem cells in adult brain, suggesting that such mechanisms may need to have in place to keep them alive."
Hariharan noted
that other researchers have obtained stem cells Neural persist by blocking the genes that cause his death. However, this alone does not produce healthy cells, nerves, normal-looking mother who can make mature neurons. The new finding team of UC Berkeley shows that it is also necessary to provide a signal similar to insulin. If you stop neuronal stem cell death is analogous to taking the foot off the brake, then providing a signal similar to insulin is like stepping on the gas, he said. Both are essential.
Hariharan, post-doctoral researcher Sarah E. Siegrist y sus colegas publicaron sus hallazgos en la versión online de la revista Current Biology. Su informe aparecerá en abril de la revista 13 edición impresa.
La mayoría de las áreas del cerebro adulto de mamíferos y cerebro de la mosca de fruta carecen de las células madre neurales, las únicas células capaces de generar neuronas en toda regla. Presumiblemente, Hariharan dijo, la falta de células madre neurales es la razón por la lesión cerebral no está en condiciones de reemplazar las neuronas muertas.
En el nuevo estudio, Siegrist showed that stem cells present in the pupal stage of the fruit fly have been in the adult brain, and they die, and not only in mature neurons. Stem cells were persisted longer in the body of mushrooms, a region of fly brain responsible for memory and learning that, somehow, is like the hippocampus in humans.
In subsequent experiments, tried to prevent the death of neural stem cells in fruit flies genetically by blocking a process called programmed cell death (apoptosis). Although this allowed the stem cells to survive longer, the cells were small and did many neurons. In fact, Siegrist said, showed signs of growth retardation, suggesting the withdrawal of insulin.
then tried to mimic various genetic manipulations of the insulin signal type, this time with fruit flies with mutant genes also blocked apoptosis. Surprisingly, neural stem cells persisted for at least a month and has even spawned many mature, apparently normal nerve cells.
"These neural stem cells seem to behave properly express the proteins expected to express neural stem cells, which resemble their normal counterparts, and most importantly, have to change the EC , normal cells that develop into mature nerve cells that put out processes (axons) that in some cases, appear to be normal processes go, "said Siegrist. "We do not know whether these cells function normally or are electrically active. At least it is encouraging that we did get the nerve cells a part of the fruit fly () of the brain that normally can not make nerve cells in the adult brain. "
" Sarah had to make two manipulations together to keep these neural stem cells alive, and did not work alone, "said Hariharan. "One was to maintain the insulin signal on, and one was to block programmed cell death. Every things improved a bit, but when he did the two together, neural stem cells survived for a month when they had reneged on mature neurons or normal looking neurons sent out processes. "
Siegrist plans to continue his search through mutant fruit flies to find other genes that enhance survival in the mushroom body and leave the stem cells in other brain areas of the fly persist. She also plans to explore collaborations similar mechanisms in mammals, to see if similar manipulation could keep alive the neural stem cells in the mammalian brain.
"In fruit flies, the pathways downstream of the insulin receptor are important to maintain neural stem cells alive, "said Siegrist. "Mammals have the same genes downstream of the insulin receptor, so you can find the same response to insulin or growth factors insulin-like mammals." About 40
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Insulin-Like Potential in preventing relapse of leukemia
percent of children and up to 70 percent of adults in remission from acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) will have a relapse. In recent years, doctors have come to believe that this is due to leukemia cells madre , sin cesar replicar las células de cáncer que generan las células sanguíneas inmaduras característicos de la leucemia y son resistentes a tratamientos contra el cáncer típico. Ahora, investigadores del Hospital Infantil de Boston han descubierto una posible forma de matar a estas células, y que les impiden iniciar una recaída.
El estudio, publicado en Internet 26 de marzo en la revista Science, muestra que las células madre de la leucemia no puede prosperar sin una vía determinada célula, conocida como la Wnt / vía de beta-catenin, suggesting that targeting this pathway may prevent the growth and development of AML.
"The greatest potential of this study is the suppression of recurrence of leukemia by a drug that inhibits beta-catenin," says Scott Armstrong, MD, PhD, Division of Children of Hematology and Oncology and the study's lead author.
Yingzi Wang, PhD, Children's Division of Hematology / Oncology, Armstrong team member and author principal del estudio, se concentró en la beta-catenina como un jugador importante en la leucemia de células madre al trabajar con dos tipos diferentes de células de sangre al inicio - Las células madre de la sangre, lo que genera todos los diferentes tipos de células sanguíneas, y granulocitos / macrófagos progenitores restringida, más maduro, las células diferenciadas que sólo generan ciertos glóbulos blancos. Lo hicieron mediante la activación de dos genes encontrados previamente para inducir la LMA, Hoxa9 Meis1 y, a continuación, inject the cells into mice.
activation of the two genes that are induced AML in mice injected with blood stem cells, but not in mice injected with the parents. Genetic analysis revealed that parents lack an active beta-catenin pathway. Although this pathway is active in blood stem cells after a person is born, plays a vital role during fetal development only, and is completely inactive in the progenitor cells ma s different. This led al equipo a pensar en la beta-catenina que se necesitaba para la leucemia de células madre para desarrollar, crecer y provocar leucemia.
Para probar esta idea, los investigadores introdujeron una forma activa de la beta-catenina en las células progenitoras y después de activar Hoxa9 Meis1. Una vez inyectado en ratones, estas células progenitoras tarde inducción de la leucemia.
Los investigadores confirmaron además el papel de la beta-catenina por el tratamiento de los ratones que se habían inyectado células madre con leucemia con la indometacina de drogas, que bloquea la vía de la beta-catenina. The tests showed that the number of stem cells of leukemia was reduced in mice given the drug. Indomethacin also reduced the number of stem cells in mice with fully developed leukemia.
Most children with AML develop the disease as a result of what investigators called mixed lineage leukemia fusion proteins that can activate genes HOXA9 and Meis1. To see if one of these proteins also affected the beta-catenin pathway, the team sought progenitor cells with mixed lineage leukemia fusion protein MLL-AF9. MLL AF9 and Meis1 HOXA9 activated, and the path of the beta-catenin, and the mice injected with stem cells developed leukemia. But when the mice were treated with an agent to clear the path of beta-catenin in vivo, leukemia stem cells could not succeed.
This research suggests that stem cell leukemia in need of beta-catenin pathway for survival, and treatments that block this pathway puede erradicar la leucemia de células madre y evitar que los pacientes con LMA de tener una recaída.
Antes de que estos hallazgos pueden ser aplicados en la clínica, mejores inhibidores de beta-catenina se necesitan, ya que no se sabe si la indometacina puede administrarse a personas con leucemia en dosis suficientemente altas para acabar con la leucemia de células madre sin tener efectos tóxicos, dice Armstrong. El siguiente paso para los investigadores es determinar la razón por la leucemia de células madre necesitan de la vía beta-catenina para sobrevivir.
"Cualquier paso en el camino es una potential therapeutic opportunity, "says Armstrong.
This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Armstrong's work is funded in part by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
percent of children and up to 70 percent of adults in remission from acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) will have a relapse. In recent years, doctors have come to believe that this is due to leukemia cells madre , sin cesar replicar las células de cáncer que generan las células sanguíneas inmaduras característicos de la leucemia y son resistentes a tratamientos contra el cáncer típico. Ahora, investigadores del Hospital Infantil de Boston han descubierto una posible forma de matar a estas células, y que les impiden iniciar una recaída.
El estudio, publicado en Internet 26 de marzo en la revista Science, muestra que las células madre de la leucemia no puede prosperar sin una vía determinada célula, conocida como la Wnt / vía de beta-catenin, suggesting that targeting this pathway may prevent the growth and development of AML.
"The greatest potential of this study is the suppression of recurrence of leukemia by a drug that inhibits beta-catenin," says Scott Armstrong, MD, PhD, Division of Children of Hematology and Oncology and the study's lead author.
Yingzi Wang, PhD, Children's Division of Hematology / Oncology, Armstrong team member and author principal del estudio, se concentró en la beta-catenina como un jugador importante en la leucemia de células madre al trabajar con dos tipos diferentes de células de sangre al inicio - Las células madre de la sangre, lo que genera todos los diferentes tipos de células sanguíneas, y granulocitos / macrófagos progenitores restringida, más maduro, las células diferenciadas que sólo generan ciertos glóbulos blancos. Lo hicieron mediante la activación de dos genes encontrados previamente para inducir la LMA, Hoxa9 Meis1 y, a continuación, inject the cells into mice.
activation of the two genes that are induced AML in mice injected with blood stem cells, but not in mice injected with the parents. Genetic analysis revealed that parents lack an active beta-catenin pathway. Although this pathway is active in blood stem cells after a person is born, plays a vital role during fetal development only, and is completely inactive in the progenitor cells ma s different. This led al equipo a pensar en la beta-catenina que se necesitaba para la leucemia de células madre para desarrollar, crecer y provocar leucemia.
Para probar esta idea, los investigadores introdujeron una forma activa de la beta-catenina en las células progenitoras y después de activar Hoxa9 Meis1. Una vez inyectado en ratones, estas células progenitoras tarde inducción de la leucemia.
Los investigadores confirmaron además el papel de la beta-catenina por el tratamiento de los ratones que se habían inyectado células madre con leucemia con la indometacina de drogas, que bloquea la vía de la beta-catenina. The tests showed that the number of stem cells of leukemia was reduced in mice given the drug. Indomethacin also reduced the number of stem cells in mice with fully developed leukemia.
Most children with AML develop the disease as a result of what investigators called mixed lineage leukemia fusion proteins that can activate genes HOXA9 and Meis1. To see if one of these proteins also affected the beta-catenin pathway, the team sought progenitor cells with mixed lineage leukemia fusion protein MLL-AF9. MLL AF9 and Meis1 HOXA9 activated, and the path of the beta-catenin, and the mice injected with stem cells developed leukemia. But when the mice were treated with an agent to clear the path of beta-catenin in vivo, leukemia stem cells could not succeed.
This research suggests that stem cell leukemia in need of beta-catenin pathway for survival, and treatments that block this pathway puede erradicar la leucemia de células madre y evitar que los pacientes con LMA de tener una recaída.
Antes de que estos hallazgos pueden ser aplicados en la clínica, mejores inhibidores de beta-catenina se necesitan, ya que no se sabe si la indometacina puede administrarse a personas con leucemia en dosis suficientemente altas para acabar con la leucemia de células madre sin tener efectos tóxicos, dice Armstrong. El siguiente paso para los investigadores es determinar la razón por la leucemia de células madre necesitan de la vía beta-catenina para sobrevivir.
"Cualquier paso en el camino es una potential therapeutic opportunity, "says Armstrong.
This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Armstrong's work is funded in part by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
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via Gene Targeting To explain mouse embryonic stem cell immortality revealed by the study in zebrafish
Researchers at the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, have discovered a key to embryonic stem (ES) cell rejuvenation in a gene - Zscan4 - as reported in the edition of March 24, 2010, online in Nature. This finding could advance tener implicaciones importantes para la investigación del envejecimiento, biología de células madre, la medicina regenerativa y la biología del cáncer.
células madre embrionarias son únicas porque, junto con la capacidad de convertirse en casi cualquier tipo de célula en el cuerpo, pueden producir infinidad de generaciones nuevas, las células ES en pleno funcionamiento (células hijas). células madre embrionarias son esencialmente inmortal, es decir que pueden dividirse indefinidamente para producir generaciones funcionales adicionales de las células ES daughters. Other cells can only produce a certain number of generations of daughter cells before they no longer work correctly. This is partly because the telomere, in order to protect the chromosome that carries genetic information in cells is shortened each time a cell divides. When telomeres become very short, can no longer protect the cell. At that time, the cell dies, it turns itself off, known as cellular senescence, or produce abnormal and dysfunctional cells, possibly.
So far, the mechanism for ES cell immortality had been a mystery. The prevailing theory was that ES cells practice "self-renewal, which means that when it divides, daughter cells are produced that were completely natural (including the length of telomeres) parent. NIA researchers found that the process that occurs in embryonic stem cells may be more properly described as "rejuvenating" the "self-renewal." As in other cells when the ES cells replicate, the daughter cells are not identical to the parents and the telomeres are shorter.
However, ES cells express a gene Zscan4 only, when activated (or on), ES cells rejuvenate, restore its original force. This rejuvenation includes telomere elongation through recombination, the shorter telomeres when combined with a telomere itself more time to elongated. Zscan4 then turns off. The gene is not activated each time the cell replicates - about 5 percent of the cells have a gene turned on at any point. The process is a cycle of cell replication (with telomere shortening) and intermittent activation Zscan4 (rejuvenation of cells).
Researchers at the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, have discovered a key to embryonic stem (ES) cell rejuvenation in a gene - Zscan4 - as reported in the edition of March 24, 2010, online in Nature. This finding could advance tener implicaciones importantes para la investigación del envejecimiento, biología de células madre, la medicina regenerativa y la biología del cáncer.
células madre embrionarias son únicas porque, junto con la capacidad de convertirse en casi cualquier tipo de célula en el cuerpo, pueden producir infinidad de generaciones nuevas, las células ES en pleno funcionamiento (células hijas). células madre embrionarias son esencialmente inmortal, es decir que pueden dividirse indefinidamente para producir generaciones funcionales adicionales de las células ES daughters. Other cells can only produce a certain number of generations of daughter cells before they no longer work correctly. This is partly because the telomere, in order to protect the chromosome that carries genetic information in cells is shortened each time a cell divides. When telomeres become very short, can no longer protect the cell. At that time, the cell dies, it turns itself off, known as cellular senescence, or produce abnormal and dysfunctional cells, possibly.
So far, the mechanism for ES cell immortality had been a mystery. The prevailing theory was that ES cells practice "self-renewal, which means that when it divides, daughter cells are produced that were completely natural (including the length of telomeres) parent. NIA researchers found that the process that occurs in embryonic stem cells may be more properly described as "rejuvenating" the "self-renewal." As in other cells when the ES cells replicate, the daughter cells are not identical to the parents and the telomeres are shorter.
However, ES cells express a gene Zscan4 only, when activated (or on), ES cells rejuvenate, restore its original force. This rejuvenation includes telomere elongation through recombination, the shorter telomeres when combined with a telomere itself more time to elongated. Zscan4 then turns off. The gene is not activated each time the cell replicates - about 5 percent of the cells have a gene turned on at any point. The process is a cycle of cell replication (with telomere shortening) and intermittent activation Zscan4 (rejuvenation of cells).
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implications human heart cells that are adults than
bony fishes and small zebrafish have a remarkable ability that mammals can only dream of: if you cut a piece of your heart swim slowly for a few days but dentro de un mes parece perfectamente normal. Cómo lograr esto o, más importante aún, ¿por qué no podemos es una de las cuestiones importantes en la medicina regenerativa en la actualidad.
En un artículo publicado en el 25 de marzo 2010 de la revista Nature, los investigadores que trabajan en el Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos y el Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona (CMRB) identificó una población de células del corazón de peces que es el origen de esta hazaña asombrosa curación, un hallazgo que podría dar an idea of how mammalian hearts could be persuaded to repair after injury caused by a heart attack.
Izpisúa Juan Carlos Belmonte, Ph.D., professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory, the team is not the stem cells-the "usual" suspects regeneration to mend a heart wounded fish. In contrast, the repair is done differentiated heart muscle cells known as cardiomyocytes, the adult cell whose normal job is to provide the contractile force of the heart.
"What the results of our study show that Mother Nature is used other ways besides going all the way back to pluripotent stem cells to regenerate tissues and organs," says Izpisúa Belmonte, noting that at least in fish, the body may have evolved remarkable strategies repair driven by the types of cells with more experience than the stem cells .
Para identificar qué células realmente provistos en el músculo extirpado corazón del pez cebra, el equipo de Izpisúa Belmonte empleado por primera vez algo de ingeniería genética para hacer sólo los cardiomiocitos "transgénicos" mediante la inserción en ellas un gen marcador que les hizo brillan en color verde bajo un microscopio.
A continuación, literalmente cortó alrededor del 20% de cada ventrículo peces y esperó un par de semanas para que el corazón para regenerate: regenerate heart muscle if you do not shine, would mean that cells other than cardiomyocytes, such as a cardiac stem cell population, had replaced the muscle damaged.
But in a surprising finding, all muscle cells regenerate heart glowed green, indicating that other well-established cardiomyocytes after injury had probably returned to a "youngest" the state, began to divide again to replenish lost cells and then matured for a second time in the new heart muscle. The group also showed cardiomyocytes lost youth recaptured in part by the revival of the production of proteins associated with cell proliferation, factors normally expressed in immature progenitors.
human hearts can not have this type of regenerative changes yourself. When damaged by a heart attack, our heart muscle is replaced by scar tissue incapable of contracting. However, prior heart failure, the damaged heart muscle cells of mammals enter a state save yourself known as "hibernation", which no longer Hiring n an effort to survive.
Chris Jopling, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in the CMRB Izpisúa Belmonte and first author of the study, believes that the human heart "hibernation" as significant. "During the regeneration of the heart in zebrafish were found cardiomyocytes displayed structural changes similar to those seen in hibernating cardiomyocytes, "he said, noting that these changes are really necessary before the fish cardiomyoctes could begin to split. "Because of these similarities, we hypothesize that hibernating mammals cardiomyocytes may represent cells that are trying to proliferate."
So the good news is that the heart of mammals can undergo a kind of metabolism "downsizing" this is a prelude to cell division. "This idea fits well with the findings of a number of groups - which led to the expression of cell cycle regulators can induce proliferation of cardiomyocytes in mammals," says Jopling. "Maybe all you need is a bit of a nudge in the right direction."
A search focuses on the factors that could supply that push. Although he's optimistic about the outcome, Belmonte also Izpisúa believes the study should be careful not to overlook the researchers to the potential contributions that could grow cells for regeneration. "We can not see the differentiated cells as a static endpoint of the differentiation process," says Izpisúa Belmonte, who also heads the CMRB. "If we could mimic in mammalian cells that occurs in zebrafish, we might be able to understand why regeneration no se produce en los seres humanos."
También contribuyó a este trabajo fueron Merce Marti, Ph.D., Ángel Raya, MD, Ph.D., del sueño de Edward y Raya Marina, todos los CMRB en España.
El estudio fue financiado en parte por la Fundación Cellex, la Fundación Ipsen, el G. Harold y Leila Y. Mathers Fundación Caritativa, los Institutos Nacionales de Salud, y Sanofi-Aventis.
Acerca del Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos:
El Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos es una de las instituciones de investigación quintessential core of the world where the faculty renowned international probe fundamental questions of life sciences in a unique, collaborative, and creative. So focused on the discovery and advise future generations of researchers, scientists at Salk make contributions to the understanding of cancer, aging, diabetes, Alzheimer's and infectious diseases through the study of neuroscience, genetics, cell biology and plant and related disciplines. Faculty
achievements have been recognized with numerous awards, including Nobel laureates and members National Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1960 by polio vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, MD, the Institute is an independent, nonprofit and architectural landmark.
En un artículo publicado en el 25 de marzo 2010 de la revista Nature, los investigadores que trabajan en el Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos y el Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona (CMRB) identificó una población de células del corazón de peces que es el origen de esta hazaña asombrosa curación, un hallazgo que podría dar an idea of how mammalian hearts could be persuaded to repair after injury caused by a heart attack.
Izpisúa Juan Carlos Belmonte, Ph.D., professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory, the team is not the stem cells-the "usual" suspects regeneration to mend a heart wounded fish. In contrast, the repair is done differentiated heart muscle cells known as cardiomyocytes, the adult cell whose normal job is to provide the contractile force of the heart.
"What the results of our study show that Mother Nature is used other ways besides going all the way back to pluripotent stem cells to regenerate tissues and organs," says Izpisúa Belmonte, noting that at least in fish, the body may have evolved remarkable strategies repair driven by the types of cells with more experience than the stem cells .
Para identificar qué células realmente provistos en el músculo extirpado corazón del pez cebra, el equipo de Izpisúa Belmonte empleado por primera vez algo de ingeniería genética para hacer sólo los cardiomiocitos "transgénicos" mediante la inserción en ellas un gen marcador que les hizo brillan en color verde bajo un microscopio.
A continuación, literalmente cortó alrededor del 20% de cada ventrículo peces y esperó un par de semanas para que el corazón para regenerate: regenerate heart muscle if you do not shine, would mean that cells other than cardiomyocytes, such as a cardiac stem cell population, had replaced the muscle damaged.
But in a surprising finding, all muscle cells regenerate heart glowed green, indicating that other well-established cardiomyocytes after injury had probably returned to a "youngest" the state, began to divide again to replenish lost cells and then matured for a second time in the new heart muscle. The group also showed cardiomyocytes lost youth recaptured in part by the revival of the production of proteins associated with cell proliferation, factors normally expressed in immature progenitors.
human hearts can not have this type of regenerative changes yourself. When damaged by a heart attack, our heart muscle is replaced by scar tissue incapable of contracting. However, prior heart failure, the damaged heart muscle cells of mammals enter a state save yourself known as "hibernation", which no longer Hiring n an effort to survive.
Chris Jopling, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in the CMRB Izpisúa Belmonte and first author of the study, believes that the human heart "hibernation" as significant. "During the regeneration of the heart in zebrafish were found cardiomyocytes displayed structural changes similar to those seen in hibernating cardiomyocytes, "he said, noting that these changes are really necessary before the fish cardiomyoctes could begin to split. "Because of these similarities, we hypothesize that hibernating mammals cardiomyocytes may represent cells that are trying to proliferate."
So the good news is that the heart of mammals can undergo a kind of metabolism "downsizing" this is a prelude to cell division. "This idea fits well with the findings of a number of groups - which led to the expression of cell cycle regulators can induce proliferation of cardiomyocytes in mammals," says Jopling. "Maybe all you need is a bit of a nudge in the right direction."
A search focuses on the factors that could supply that push. Although he's optimistic about the outcome, Belmonte also Izpisúa believes the study should be careful not to overlook the researchers to the potential contributions that could grow cells for regeneration. "We can not see the differentiated cells as a static endpoint of the differentiation process," says Izpisúa Belmonte, who also heads the CMRB. "If we could mimic in mammalian cells that occurs in zebrafish, we might be able to understand why regeneration no se produce en los seres humanos."
También contribuyó a este trabajo fueron Merce Marti, Ph.D., Ángel Raya, MD, Ph.D., del sueño de Edward y Raya Marina, todos los CMRB en España.
El estudio fue financiado en parte por la Fundación Cellex, la Fundación Ipsen, el G. Harold y Leila Y. Mathers Fundación Caritativa, los Institutos Nacionales de Salud, y Sanofi-Aventis.
Acerca del Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos:
El Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos es una de las instituciones de investigación quintessential core of the world where the faculty renowned international probe fundamental questions of life sciences in a unique, collaborative, and creative. So focused on the discovery and advise future generations of researchers, scientists at Salk make contributions to the understanding of cancer, aging, diabetes, Alzheimer's and infectious diseases through the study of neuroscience, genetics, cell biology and plant and related disciplines. Faculty
achievements have been recognized with numerous awards, including Nobel laureates and members National Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1960 by polio vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, MD, the Institute is an independent, nonprofit and architectural landmark.
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Technology chemokine to increase the efficacy of tissue-specific stem cells homing relief
Entest Biomedical Inc. (OTCBB: ENTB) announced the filing of a patent application on the use of stem cells to attract molecules called chemokines in the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other conditions that may benefit from increased stem cell homing.
Chemokines are produced naturally by the body in times of tissue injury and believed to be an essential part of the healing process. Entest intellectual property used these molecules to attract stem cells to damaged tissue to increase the effectiveness of existing and developing new cell therapies.
"Clinical trials of stem cell have demonstrated safety and efficacy in the signs of heart failure, liver failure and peripheral arterial disease. Unfortunately there is still much room for improvement in patient outcomes," said Dr. Steven Josephs, lead inventor of the patent application. "The present invention provides a way to make stem cell therapy work better, increasing the number of stem cells in the tissue where they are needed. "
The FDA has already approved a drug that works by altering the homing of stem cells. Mozobil, a drug developed by Genzyme Corporation, is used to induce stem cells to make a specific anatomic (bone marrow). The methods included in the function of a patent application Entest opposite way using specific molecules attract stem cells.
"Today's presentation represents the global strategy Entest patent to deal with COPD through a multidisciplinary way, "said David Koos, Chairman and CEO of Entest. "Since some of these technologies may be useful in increasing stem cell therapy for other indications, we are always looking for partnerships for development in our non-core areas."
Chemokines are produced naturally by the body in times of tissue injury and believed to be an essential part of the healing process. Entest intellectual property used these molecules to attract stem cells to damaged tissue to increase the effectiveness of existing and developing new cell therapies.
"Clinical trials of stem cell have demonstrated safety and efficacy in the signs of heart failure, liver failure and peripheral arterial disease. Unfortunately there is still much room for improvement in patient outcomes," said Dr. Steven Josephs, lead inventor of the patent application. "The present invention provides a way to make stem cell therapy work better, increasing the number of stem cells in the tissue where they are needed. "
The FDA has already approved a drug that works by altering the homing of stem cells. Mozobil, a drug developed by Genzyme Corporation, is used to induce stem cells to make a specific anatomic (bone marrow). The methods included in the function of a patent application Entest opposite way using specific molecules attract stem cells.
"Today's presentation represents the global strategy Entest patent to deal with COPD through a multidisciplinary way, "said David Koos, Chairman and CEO of Entest. "Since some of these technologies may be useful in increasing stem cell therapy for other indications, we are always looking for partnerships for development in our non-core areas."
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damaged cells Hips With Mother's Help director
Bone stem cells the future could be used instead of donor bone as part of an innovative new treatment for hip replacement, according to scientists at the University of Southampton.
A team from the University School of Medicine believe that the introduction of a patient's own cells madre del esqueleto en la articulación de la cadera durante el injerto óseo se re-crecimiento más éxito y reparación.
La técnica del injerto se utiliza para reparar el hueso del muslo y la articulación durante el reemplazo (conocido como «revisión») la terapia de reemplazo de cadera, un procedimiento en el que los cirujanos introducen ósea del donante a la zona dañada para proporcionar apoyo a la madre nueva cadera.
En este estudio de colaboración entre la Universidad de Southampton y la Universidad de Nottingham, los investigadores used adult stem cells from bone marrow, combined with innovative retention process and polymer scaffolds.
In a two-year study, funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), the researchers aim to improve the outcome of this procedure with high impact.
"Surgeons now use donor bone for bone grafting, so the introduction of own patient's stem cells to create a living cell or composite material would to an entirely new approach, "says Professor Richard Oreffo, an expert in musculoskeletal science at the University of Southampton, who heads the project.
"This is very much the beginning of a project to investigate the potential of this new technique, but our preliminary work suggests that this may have important therapeutic implications."
When a joint the hip is damaged, the part of the thigh bone or femur, including the ball, can be removed and a new artificial joint to the bone remaining thigh. Revision hip replacement occurs when that artificial joint needs to change. Professor
Oreffo introduce the stem cells for the hip joint using a scaffold or support structure that is designed to protect them, and impaction process again.
polymer scaffolds will be developed by Professors Steve Howdle and Kevin Shakesheff, experts in chemistry and tissue engineering at the University of Nottingham.
Professor Howdle said: "On the basis of strong partnerships with experts in tissue engineering, this new grant will allow researchers to make their materials Nottingham closer to the clinic.
"This could have major benefits for patients, and also offer significant cost savings to health authorities, but first we need to verify and are based on our preliminary data."
"An important part of work in Nottingham will involve the extension of equipment supercritical fluid processing para crear más grandes y más lotes homogéneos de polímero andamios para la prueba."
El Dr. Chris Watkins, Traducción MRC Líder temático, dice: "Resiliencia, reparación y reemplazo es un área de investigación prioritaria en el plan estratégico de la MRC, 'Vidas Los cambios de Investigación. Este estudio pone de manifiesto cómo un enfoque regenerativo puede ofrecer una esperanza real para hacer frente a un problema importante para una población que envejece. "
Estos permitirána fund groups based on initial studies showing that the degradable polymer scaffolds prepared using technology of supercritical carbon dioxide can have a dramatic effect on surgical procedures such as the insertion of a hip implant in revision hip surgery.
interim studies conducted in Southampton shows that the polymers can contribute to bone formation through the creation of a living cell / composite material and bonding assistance of hip implants.
A team from the University School of Medicine believe that the introduction of a patient's own cells madre del esqueleto en la articulación de la cadera durante el injerto óseo se re-crecimiento más éxito y reparación.
La técnica del injerto se utiliza para reparar el hueso del muslo y la articulación durante el reemplazo (conocido como «revisión») la terapia de reemplazo de cadera, un procedimiento en el que los cirujanos introducen ósea del donante a la zona dañada para proporcionar apoyo a la madre nueva cadera.
En este estudio de colaboración entre la Universidad de Southampton y la Universidad de Nottingham, los investigadores used adult stem cells from bone marrow, combined with innovative retention process and polymer scaffolds.
In a two-year study, funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), the researchers aim to improve the outcome of this procedure with high impact.
"Surgeons now use donor bone for bone grafting, so the introduction of own patient's stem cells to create a living cell or composite material would to an entirely new approach, "says Professor Richard Oreffo, an expert in musculoskeletal science at the University of Southampton, who heads the project.
"This is very much the beginning of a project to investigate the potential of this new technique, but our preliminary work suggests that this may have important therapeutic implications."
When a joint the hip is damaged, the part of the thigh bone or femur, including the ball, can be removed and a new artificial joint to the bone remaining thigh. Revision hip replacement occurs when that artificial joint needs to change. Professor
Oreffo introduce the stem cells for the hip joint using a scaffold or support structure that is designed to protect them, and impaction process again.
polymer scaffolds will be developed by Professors Steve Howdle and Kevin Shakesheff, experts in chemistry and tissue engineering at the University of Nottingham.
Professor Howdle said: "On the basis of strong partnerships with experts in tissue engineering, this new grant will allow researchers to make their materials Nottingham closer to the clinic.
"This could have major benefits for patients, and also offer significant cost savings to health authorities, but first we need to verify and are based on our preliminary data."
"An important part of work in Nottingham will involve the extension of equipment supercritical fluid processing para crear más grandes y más lotes homogéneos de polímero andamios para la prueba."
El Dr. Chris Watkins, Traducción MRC Líder temático, dice: "Resiliencia, reparación y reemplazo es un área de investigación prioritaria en el plan estratégico de la MRC, 'Vidas Los cambios de Investigación. Este estudio pone de manifiesto cómo un enfoque regenerativo puede ofrecer una esperanza real para hacer frente a un problema importante para una población que envejece. "
Estos permitirána fund groups based on initial studies showing that the degradable polymer scaffolds prepared using technology of supercritical carbon dioxide can have a dramatic effect on surgical procedures such as the insertion of a hip implant in revision hip surgery.
interim studies conducted in Southampton shows that the polymers can contribute to bone formation through the creation of a living cell / composite material and bonding assistance of hip implants.
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Collins the NIH, defends the policy of Obama Administration Upon investigation
\u0026lt;div style="text-align: In a letter to the editor of the Washington Post about a recent article on embryonic stem cell research, director of NIH, Francis Collins writes that he is "concerned that readers might come away ... confused about what is happening "in the agency. He adds that "research \u0026lt;a href =" Http://www.crio-cord.com/ "> stem \u0026lt;/ a> is progressing rapidly, thanks to the new policy of President Obama" (Collins, The Washington Post, 3 / 20). The Post article reported that while Obama administration has lifted many restrictions on President George W. s Bush on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, some researchers are finding new heavy ethical requirements "(Women's Health Policy Report, 3 / 16).
Collins writes that the "number of lines in the new NIH Stem Cell Registry - 44 - is more than double the number of the old lines approved" . The new policy also eliminates a restriction on the use of stem cell lines created after a certain date, say Collins, adding that the NIH currently "is reviewing more than 100 lines, with 230 more on the way."
continues: "While the \u0026lt;a href=" "> http://www.crio-cord.com/ stem cells \u0026lt;/ a> lines meet with the ethical guidelines laid down in politics, can be used in federally funded research. "Collins writes that although responsibility "is that scientists derive from the lines" to submit to the NIH, the agency is "working closely with them." In addition, the agency to "establish a policy that allows dealers using the old lines to continue doing so during the life of the concession."
concludes that the new policy allows a number of "continuous growth" of lines to be considered, says the research is ethical and responsible, and "holds great promise for patients and their families" (Washington Post, 3 / 20).
Reprinted with kind permission. You can view the entire Daily Women's Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery here. Daily Women's Health Policy Report is a free service of the National Partnership for Women & Families, published by The Advisory Board Company. \u0026lt;/ Div>
Para Que Sirve El Hard Drive
defibrotide Gentium Announces Results Featured in the opening of the Session and Symposium on Stem Cell
Gentium SpA (Nasdaq: GENT) announced that the abstract entitled "defibrotide prevents liver VOD and significantly reduces the complications associated with VOD-at-risk children: final results of a prospective phase II / III multicentre, "was presented on Sunday, March 21, 2010, at the opening session of the Blood and Marrow Transplantation European (EBMT) 36th Annual Meeting in Vienna . The abstract was awarded the prestigious Van Bekkum Award for best abstract submitted to the medical program. Dr. Selim Corbacioglu, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Regensburg (Germany) and principal investigator of pediatric prevention trial, accepted the award and presented the final results.
This Phase II / III, randomized, controlled trial evaluated the prophylactic use of defibrotide in pediatric transplant stem cell (SCT) patients at high risk of veno-occulsive (VOD .) In the analysis by intention to treat (ITT), which included 356 patients (180 patients in the prophylaxis group and 176 in the grupo de control), defibrotide demostrado una reducción del 40% en la incidencia de vídeo a la carta dentro de los 30 días después de la SCT, la variable principal de el estudio. la incidencia fue del 20% de Video por Demanda en el grupo control y 12% en el grupo de profilaxis (p = 0,0488 riesgo competitivo; p = 0,0507 de Kaplan-Meier). En el análisis por protocolo, la incidencia fue del 20% de Video por Demanda en el grupo control y 11% en el grupo de profilaxis (p = 0,0225 riesgo competitivo; p = 0,0234 de Kaplan-Meier). Un valor de p igual o inferior a 0,05 se necesita para alcanzar significación estadística.
addition, a pre-specified analysis showed that the incidence and severity of graft versus host disease (GVHD) for 100 days in recipients of allogeneic SCT was significantly reduced from 63% the control group to 45% for the prophylaxis group (p = 0.0046 for the incidence of GVHD and p = 0.0034 for severity). Renal failure was reduced from 6% in the control group to 1% in the defibrotide group (p = 0.0169). With respect to security, defibrotide was well tolerated and no difference in adverse events was observed between the two study arms.
"The resultados del estudio demostraron que defibrotide redujo la incidencia de VOD en alto riesgo de los pacientes pediátricos", declaró el doctor Selim Corbacioglu. "SCT pacientes que desarrollan VOD, independientemente de su gravedad ya pesar de un tratamiento rápido, tienen una tasa de mortalidad cuatro veces mayor que los pacientes sin VOD. También estamos muy entusiasmados de que defibrotide tiene el potencial de reducir la incidencia y severidad de la EICH aguda, una vida principales complicaciones, que es frecuente en SCT y tiene opciones de tratamiento limitadas. Creemos que defibrotide podría tener un papel futuro de la prevención de la GVHD. "
" defibrotide VOD prevention study is the largest study in the context of pediatric SCT and the results have been included in the EBMT press conference, "said Professor Dietger Niederwiesa University of Leipzig, president of the opening session, the chairman of the EBMT, and newly elected president of the Global Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (WBMT). "The results of this study, showing a reduction in VOD, and the possible beneficial effects on GVHD and renal failure are consistent with the effects of endothelial protection and confirm the potential of defibrotide in the prevention of transplant-related toxicities. "
"We are very encouraged by the recognition of this study by the leaders of the European Hematology community," said Dr. Massimo Iacobelli, Scientific Director, Gentium. "We are fully committed to the preparation of regulatory filings for the treatment prevencióny video on demand."
defibrotide biological activity and mechanism de acción se destacan en un cartel distinto-presentación, "defibrotide protege las células endoteliales microvasculares de las señales pro-inflamatorias y pro-apoptótica mediada por fludarabina: un microarray (Affimetrix) análisis". Este estudio proporciona nuevos datos biológicos sobre la forma defibrotide podría proteger contra las células endoteliales la activación inducida por la quimioterapia y la muerte celular, sin afectar el efecto de fludarabina antileucémica y sin afectar a endotelio normal.
El simposio satélite "defibrotide for the Treatment of Liver Prevencióny VOD following stem cell transplantation "was well attended, with presentations by opinion leaders Dr. Ernst Holler (University of Regensburg), the Dr. Selim Corbacioglu (University of Regensburg), Dr. Paul Richardson (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA) and Dr. Enric Carreras (University of Barcelona). The symposium was chaired by Dr. Rob Soiffer (Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, USA).
About EBMT and Van Bekkum Award
The European Group of Blood and Marrow (EBMT) es una organización europea sin ánimo de lucro que fue establecida en 1974 para permitir a los científicos y médicos implicados en el trasplante clínico de médula ósea para compartir su experiencia y desarrollar los estudios cooperativos. En representación de 527 centros de trasplante a través de 57 países dentro y fuera de Europa, la EBMT promueve todas las actividades encaminadas a mejorar trasplante de células madre o la terapia celular.
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Van Bekkum
The award is named for Dr. Dirk Van Bekkum, who is recognized internationally for his work in transplanting bone marrow, among other achievements, his laboratory was the first to identify what is now known as graft versus host.
About the Phase II / III European trial of pediatric prevention
EBMT Phase II / III European trial of pediatric prevention was a prospective, multicenter, randomized, open to evaluate the prophylactic use of defibrotide in patients under 18 years of age who underwent stem cell transplantation (SCT) and were at high risk of Veno-Occlusive Disease (VOD). Patients randomized to the prophylaxis group received 25 mg / kg / day in four divided doses defibrotide at the time of initiation of conditioning until 30 days after transplantation. Patients assigned to the control arm did not receive prophylactic therapy VOD. Patients received defibrotide as therapy if they developed VOD. The primary study endpoint was the development of VOD within 30 days after of the SCT, based on the modified criteria of Seattle. A blinded independent review committee of three experts hematologists confirmed the diagnosis of VOD.
veno-occlusive disease is a potentially life-threatening, which normally occurs as a major complication of stem cell transplantation. Some high-dose conditioning regimens used as part of SCT can damage the cells lining the hepatic blood vessels and thus result in VOD, a blockage of small veins of the liver that leads to liver failure and can result in significant dysfunction in other organs such as kidneys and lungs ( Call severe VOD). SCT is a treatment modality often used following high-dose chemotherapy and radiation therapy for blood cancers and other conditions in both adults and children. Currently, no approved agent for the treatment or prevention of VOD in the U.S. or the EU.
GVHD About
Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a complication that frequently occurs after allogeneic stem cell where the blood-forming cells to an entirely new immune system is transplanted from a donor. The differences between donor and recipient T cells frequently (a subtype of white blood cells) from the donor recognize the recipient's body tissues as foreign. When this happens, the newly transplanted immune system attacks the transplant recipient's body. Increased risk GVHD with the degree of mismatch between donor and recipient.
About Gentium Gentium SpA
, located in Como, Italy, is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and manufacture of medicines to treat and prevent various diseases and conditions, including diseases vascular related to cancer and its treatments. Defibrotide, the candidate of the company's lead product, is an investigational drug that has been granted orphan drug status by the U.S. FDA and Orphan Drug Designation por la Comisión Europea, tanto para tratar y prevenir el VOD y Fast Track Designación por la FDA de EE.UU. para el tratamiento de VOD .
Advertencia sobre las declaraciones prospectivas
Este comunicado de prensa contiene "declaraciones prospectivas". En algunos casos, se puede identificar estas declaraciones prospectivas palabras como "puede", "podría", "hará", "debería", "espera", "planea", "anticipa", "Believe," "estimate," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" the negative of these terms and other comparable terminology. These statements are not historical facts but instead represent the Company's belief regarding future results, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside the Company's control. It is possible that actual results, including with respect to the possibility of future regulatory approval, may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. For a discussion of some of the risks and important factors that could affect future results, see the discussion in our Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the title "Risk Factors."
This Phase II / III, randomized, controlled trial evaluated the prophylactic use of defibrotide in pediatric transplant stem cell (SCT) patients at high risk of veno-occulsive (VOD .) In the analysis by intention to treat (ITT), which included 356 patients (180 patients in the prophylaxis group and 176 in the grupo de control), defibrotide demostrado una reducción del 40% en la incidencia de vídeo a la carta dentro de los 30 días después de la SCT, la variable principal de el estudio. la incidencia fue del 20% de Video por Demanda en el grupo control y 12% en el grupo de profilaxis (p = 0,0488 riesgo competitivo; p = 0,0507 de Kaplan-Meier). En el análisis por protocolo, la incidencia fue del 20% de Video por Demanda en el grupo control y 11% en el grupo de profilaxis (p = 0,0225 riesgo competitivo; p = 0,0234 de Kaplan-Meier). Un valor de p igual o inferior a 0,05 se necesita para alcanzar significación estadística.
addition, a pre-specified analysis showed that the incidence and severity of graft versus host disease (GVHD) for 100 days in recipients of allogeneic SCT was significantly reduced from 63% the control group to 45% for the prophylaxis group (p = 0.0046 for the incidence of GVHD and p = 0.0034 for severity). Renal failure was reduced from 6% in the control group to 1% in the defibrotide group (p = 0.0169). With respect to security, defibrotide was well tolerated and no difference in adverse events was observed between the two study arms.
"The resultados del estudio demostraron que defibrotide redujo la incidencia de VOD en alto riesgo de los pacientes pediátricos", declaró el doctor Selim Corbacioglu. "SCT pacientes que desarrollan VOD, independientemente de su gravedad ya pesar de un tratamiento rápido, tienen una tasa de mortalidad cuatro veces mayor que los pacientes sin VOD. También estamos muy entusiasmados de que defibrotide tiene el potencial de reducir la incidencia y severidad de la EICH aguda, una vida principales complicaciones, que es frecuente en SCT y tiene opciones de tratamiento limitadas. Creemos que defibrotide podría tener un papel futuro de la prevención de la GVHD. "
" defibrotide VOD prevention study is the largest study in the context of pediatric SCT and the results have been included in the EBMT press conference, "said Professor Dietger Niederwiesa University of Leipzig, president of the opening session, the chairman of the EBMT, and newly elected president of the Global Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (WBMT). "The results of this study, showing a reduction in VOD, and the possible beneficial effects on GVHD and renal failure are consistent with the effects of endothelial protection and confirm the potential of defibrotide in the prevention of transplant-related toxicities. "
"We are very encouraged by the recognition of this study by the leaders of the European Hematology community," said Dr. Massimo Iacobelli, Scientific Director, Gentium. "We are fully committed to the preparation of regulatory filings for the treatment prevencióny video on demand."
defibrotide biological activity and mechanism de acción se destacan en un cartel distinto-presentación, "defibrotide protege las células endoteliales microvasculares de las señales pro-inflamatorias y pro-apoptótica mediada por fludarabina: un microarray (Affimetrix) análisis". Este estudio proporciona nuevos datos biológicos sobre la forma defibrotide podría proteger contra las células endoteliales la activación inducida por la quimioterapia y la muerte celular, sin afectar el efecto de fludarabina antileucémica y sin afectar a endotelio normal.
El simposio satélite "defibrotide for the Treatment of Liver Prevencióny VOD following stem cell transplantation "was well attended, with presentations by opinion leaders Dr. Ernst Holler (University of Regensburg), the Dr. Selim Corbacioglu (University of Regensburg), Dr. Paul Richardson (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA) and Dr. Enric Carreras (University of Barcelona). The symposium was chaired by Dr. Rob Soiffer (Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, USA).
About EBMT and Van Bekkum Award
The European Group of Blood and Marrow (EBMT) es una organización europea sin ánimo de lucro que fue establecida en 1974 para permitir a los científicos y médicos implicados en el trasplante clínico de médula ósea para compartir su experiencia y desarrollar los estudios cooperativos. En representación de 527 centros de trasplante a través de 57 países dentro y fuera de Europa, la EBMT promueve todas las actividades encaminadas a mejorar trasplante de células madre o la terapia celular.
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Obtener la mejor potencia para estudios de asociación. Www.illumina.com/dna/omni/
Van Bekkum
The award is named for Dr. Dirk Van Bekkum, who is recognized internationally for his work in transplanting bone marrow, among other achievements, his laboratory was the first to identify what is now known as graft versus host.
About the Phase II / III European trial of pediatric prevention
EBMT Phase II / III European trial of pediatric prevention was a prospective, multicenter, randomized, open to evaluate the prophylactic use of defibrotide in patients under 18 years of age who underwent stem cell transplantation (SCT) and were at high risk of Veno-Occlusive Disease (VOD). Patients randomized to the prophylaxis group received 25 mg / kg / day in four divided doses defibrotide at the time of initiation of conditioning until 30 days after transplantation. Patients assigned to the control arm did not receive prophylactic therapy VOD. Patients received defibrotide as therapy if they developed VOD. The primary study endpoint was the development of VOD within 30 days after of the SCT, based on the modified criteria of Seattle. A blinded independent review committee of three experts hematologists confirmed the diagnosis of VOD.
veno-occlusive disease is a potentially life-threatening, which normally occurs as a major complication of stem cell transplantation. Some high-dose conditioning regimens used as part of SCT can damage the cells lining the hepatic blood vessels and thus result in VOD, a blockage of small veins of the liver that leads to liver failure and can result in significant dysfunction in other organs such as kidneys and lungs ( Call severe VOD). SCT is a treatment modality often used following high-dose chemotherapy and radiation therapy for blood cancers and other conditions in both adults and children. Currently, no approved agent for the treatment or prevention of VOD in the U.S. or the EU.
GVHD About
Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a complication that frequently occurs after allogeneic stem cell where the blood-forming cells to an entirely new immune system is transplanted from a donor. The differences between donor and recipient T cells frequently (a subtype of white blood cells) from the donor recognize the recipient's body tissues as foreign. When this happens, the newly transplanted immune system attacks the transplant recipient's body. Increased risk GVHD with the degree of mismatch between donor and recipient.
About Gentium Gentium SpA
, located in Como, Italy, is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and manufacture of medicines to treat and prevent various diseases and conditions, including diseases vascular related to cancer and its treatments. Defibrotide, the candidate of the company's lead product, is an investigational drug that has been granted orphan drug status by the U.S. FDA and Orphan Drug Designation por la Comisión Europea, tanto para tratar y prevenir el VOD y Fast Track Designación por la FDA de EE.UU. para el tratamiento de VOD .
Advertencia sobre las declaraciones prospectivas
Este comunicado de prensa contiene "declaraciones prospectivas". En algunos casos, se puede identificar estas declaraciones prospectivas palabras como "puede", "podría", "hará", "debería", "espera", "planea", "anticipa", "Believe," "estimate," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" the negative of these terms and other comparable terminology. These statements are not historical facts but instead represent the Company's belief regarding future results, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside the Company's control. It is possible that actual results, including with respect to the possibility of future regulatory approval, may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. For a discussion of some of the risks and important factors that could affect future results, see the discussion in our Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the title "Risk Factors."
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growth, regeneration promoted by the recently
Scientists at Duke University Medical Center have identified a novel growth factor that stimulates growth and regeneration of hematopoietic (blood forming) stem cells the in culture and in laboratory animals. The discovery, que aparece en la revista Nature Medicine, los investigadores pueden ayudar a superar una de las barreras de la frustración a la terapia celular: el hecho de que las células madre son tan pocos en número y obstinadamente tan resistente a la expansión.
Los investigadores creen que la sangre del cordón umbilical podría servir como una fuente universal de las células madre para todos los pacientes que necesitan un trasplante de células madre, pero el número de células madre en las unidades de sangre del cordón umbilical son limitados, por lo que existe una necesidad clínica de desarrollar un método para ampliar sangre del cordón umbilical las células madre para trasplantes. "Desafortunadamente, no soluble growth factors identified to date that have been proven to extend human stem cells for therapeutic purposes, "said John Hopper, MD, a transplant physician stem cells and cell biologist at Duke and lead author .
Chute, in collaboration with Heather Himburg, post-doctoral fellow in his laboratory, found that the addition of pleiotrophin, a growth factor naturally stimulated a tenfold expansion of stem cells extracted from bone marrow a mouse.
pleiotrophin also found that increasing the number of cord blood human umbilical stem cells in culture that were able to graft in immunodeficient mice. When injected into mice that received radiation pleiotrophin bone marrow suppression, there was a 10-fold increase in bone marrow compared with untreated mice. "These results confirm that induce stem cells to regenerate after injury pleiotrophin," Chute said.
Chute says the finding could lead to wider application of transplantation of umbilical cord blood for the large number of patients who have no immune-matched donor "Perhaps most important, treatment systemic pleiotrophin may have the potential to accelerate the recovery of the blood and immune system in patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, "he said.
Given the power of the effect on the expansion of pleiotrophin stem cells, the authors examined whether caused pleiotrophin blood-forming cells to become malignant. So far, Chute says that I have not seen any evidence of cancer in mice up to six months after treatment with pleiotrophin.
The Duke team is now conducting additional experiments to determine whether pleiotrophin is required for normal growth stem cells and development y Chute dice que será importante llevar a cabo estudios adicionales de los animales antes de entrar en ensayos clínicos humanos. "En este momento, cualquier progreso que puede hacer que nos ayuda a comprender mejor las vías biológicas que se activan en las células madre en respuesta a pleiotrophin ayudará a mover el descubrimiento hacia adelante".
Los investigadores creen que la sangre del cordón umbilical podría servir como una fuente universal de las células madre para todos los pacientes que necesitan un trasplante de células madre, pero el número de células madre en las unidades de sangre del cordón umbilical son limitados, por lo que existe una necesidad clínica de desarrollar un método para ampliar sangre del cordón umbilical las células madre para trasplantes. "Desafortunadamente, no soluble growth factors identified to date that have been proven to extend human stem cells for therapeutic purposes, "said John Hopper, MD, a transplant physician stem cells and cell biologist at Duke and lead author .
Chute, in collaboration with Heather Himburg, post-doctoral fellow in his laboratory, found that the addition of pleiotrophin, a growth factor naturally stimulated a tenfold expansion of stem cells extracted from bone marrow a mouse.
pleiotrophin also found that increasing the number of cord blood human umbilical stem cells in culture that were able to graft in immunodeficient mice. When injected into mice that received radiation pleiotrophin bone marrow suppression, there was a 10-fold increase in bone marrow compared with untreated mice. "These results confirm that induce stem cells to regenerate after injury pleiotrophin," Chute said.
Chute says the finding could lead to wider application of transplantation of umbilical cord blood for the large number of patients who have no immune-matched donor "Perhaps most important, treatment systemic pleiotrophin may have the potential to accelerate the recovery of the blood and immune system in patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, "he said.
Given the power of the effect on the expansion of pleiotrophin stem cells, the authors examined whether caused pleiotrophin blood-forming cells to become malignant. So far, Chute says that I have not seen any evidence of cancer in mice up to six months after treatment with pleiotrophin.
The Duke team is now conducting additional experiments to determine whether pleiotrophin is required for normal growth stem cells and development y Chute dice que será importante llevar a cabo estudios adicionales de los animales antes de entrar en ensayos clínicos humanos. "En este momento, cualquier progreso que puede hacer que nos ayuda a comprender mejor las vías biológicas que se activan en las células madre en respuesta a pleiotrophin ayudará a mover el descubrimiento hacia adelante".
Monday, April 12, 2010
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growth factor accelerate the pace of discovery in cancer research
Moffitt Cancer Center y Proteacel LLC han anunciado que han firmado un acuerdo de licencia en virtud del cual Proteacel ha adquirido los derechos exclusivos sobre la tecnología ™ de poro para la entrega de genes en las células.
Los genes son las instrucciones que se acumulan las células. Los defectos in these genes cause disease, including cancer. To understand how these genes work and their participation in a disease process, researchers need to study and modify them. The most common way to study gene function is to transfer the gene into the cells. Transfection is the process of introducing foreign DNA, or genes, into cells. This fundamental process is essential in conducting medical research. However, the low rates of high transfeccióny cell death is currently creating bottlenecks.
Under the direction of Dr. Deepak Agrawal, Moffitt researchers have developed a proprietary technology that enhances the functionality and performance of transfection technology. The patented technology optimization improved repair perforacióny PORE ™ solves a series of immediate problems in the use of transfection by creating a higher level of efficiency and cell viability. This is particularly valuable for cell madre y células primarias que son las más relevancia médica y los más difíciles de transfectar.
"Estoy muy contento de que la tecnología PORE ™ se pondrá a disposición de los investigadores de todo el mundo", dijo Agrawal. "Creemos que PORE ™ impulsarán descubrimiento biológico, permitiendo un uso más eficaz de células madre y células primarias para la investigación, el descubrimiento de fármacos y el desarrollo de terapias celulares".
"The initial activity will Proteacel business Proteacel specific recruitment for hard to transfect transfect cell lines with DNA found," said Dr. Joseph Zendegui, president and director of operations Proteacel. "Target customers for this service are academic institutions and biotechnology companies in the field of biomedical research. PORE ™ and use our technology base, we will expand our efforts in the development and commercialization of drug discovery, cell differentiation assays.
"We are excited to see this change of technology from research laboratories at Moffitt Cancer Center in the capable hands of Proteacel for its continued development," said Ray Carpenter of the Office of Moffitt Tecnologíay Marketing Management. "In addition, our office will be focused on saving employers and teachers to nurture Moffitt local opportunities for making up of the company. "
Los genes son las instrucciones que se acumulan las células. Los defectos in these genes cause disease, including cancer. To understand how these genes work and their participation in a disease process, researchers need to study and modify them. The most common way to study gene function is to transfer the gene into the cells. Transfection is the process of introducing foreign DNA, or genes, into cells. This fundamental process is essential in conducting medical research. However, the low rates of high transfeccióny cell death is currently creating bottlenecks.
Under the direction of Dr. Deepak Agrawal, Moffitt researchers have developed a proprietary technology that enhances the functionality and performance of transfection technology. The patented technology optimization improved repair perforacióny PORE ™ solves a series of immediate problems in the use of transfection by creating a higher level of efficiency and cell viability. This is particularly valuable for cell madre y células primarias que son las más relevancia médica y los más difíciles de transfectar.
"Estoy muy contento de que la tecnología PORE ™ se pondrá a disposición de los investigadores de todo el mundo", dijo Agrawal. "Creemos que PORE ™ impulsarán descubrimiento biológico, permitiendo un uso más eficaz de células madre y células primarias para la investigación, el descubrimiento de fármacos y el desarrollo de terapias celulares".
"The initial activity will Proteacel business Proteacel specific recruitment for hard to transfect transfect cell lines with DNA found," said Dr. Joseph Zendegui, president and director of operations Proteacel. "Target customers for this service are academic institutions and biotechnology companies in the field of biomedical research. PORE ™ and use our technology base, we will expand our efforts in the development and commercialization of drug discovery, cell differentiation assays.
"We are excited to see this change of technology from research laboratories at Moffitt Cancer Center in the capable hands of Proteacel for its continued development," said Ray Carpenter of the Office of Moffitt Tecnologíay Marketing Management. "In addition, our office will be focused on saving employers and teachers to nurture Moffitt local opportunities for making up of the company. "
Friday, April 2, 2010
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stemedica Cell Technologies, Inc. (Stemedica), a world leader in stem cell research and manufacturing has announced that it has submitted an investigation new drug (IND) to the Food and Drug Administration U.S. (FDA) for a clinical trial. The trial will evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of high-power property Stemedica allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow-derived (human adults) as treatment for ischemic stroke.
The proposed clinical trial is a phase I / II dose escalation and safety trial using allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal cells intravenously to patients with ischemic stroke. The patient population includes people with significant functional impairment or neurological problems related to ischemic stroke limiting the subject to a wheelchair or requires the subject to have home care of enfermeríao general assistance with activities of daily living. The proposed trial will be conducted at medical centers in the United States.
"Stemedica achieved another milestone in its development program from research to the bedside to help people suffering from stroke," said Nikolai Tankovich, MD, PhD, President and Chief Medical Stemedica in Chief. "In addition to the official licenses of our manufacturing facility in San Diego, California, we have now established our own way of clinical trials agreement FDB with the FDA and regulatory requirements. Stemedica goal is to receive regulatory approval of mesenchymal stem cells in this clinical indication. "
"We are pleased that Michael Levy, MD, PhD, chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery Rady Children's Hospital of San Diego and professor of surgery at the UCSD School of Medicine, is principal investigator leader in our clinical trial, "said Maynard A. Howe, PhD, Vice President and General Manager, adding: "Stemedica undertakes to develop, manufacture and distribute adult stem cells have the potential to save, restore and enhance human life. This mission is central to everything we do and Stemedica engaged in the execution of this mission with great pasióny scientific discipline. "
Stemedica license was granted by the State of California Department of Public Health, Division of Food and Drugs for the production of stem cells for clinical trials in July 2009 . The drug manufacturing Stemedica License grants the right to manufacture clinical-grade (for human use) or biological pharmaceuticals and recognizes Stemedica when complying with California law and applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations.
About Stemedica Cell Technologies, Inc.
Stemedica Cell Technologies, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing and manufacturing the best adult in-class stem cells and stem cell factors for use by institutions approved research and hospitals for pre-clinical trials and human. The company is currently developing regulatory systems for wound repair apoplejíay. Stemedica is headquartered in San Diego, California.
The proposed clinical trial is a phase I / II dose escalation and safety trial using allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal cells intravenously to patients with ischemic stroke. The patient population includes people with significant functional impairment or neurological problems related to ischemic stroke limiting the subject to a wheelchair or requires the subject to have home care of enfermeríao general assistance with activities of daily living. The proposed trial will be conducted at medical centers in the United States.
"Stemedica achieved another milestone in its development program from research to the bedside to help people suffering from stroke," said Nikolai Tankovich, MD, PhD, President and Chief Medical Stemedica in Chief. "In addition to the official licenses of our manufacturing facility in San Diego, California, we have now established our own way of clinical trials agreement FDB with the FDA and regulatory requirements. Stemedica goal is to receive regulatory approval of mesenchymal stem cells in this clinical indication. "
"We are pleased that Michael Levy, MD, PhD, chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery Rady Children's Hospital of San Diego and professor of surgery at the UCSD School of Medicine, is principal investigator leader in our clinical trial, "said Maynard A. Howe, PhD, Vice President and General Manager, adding: "Stemedica undertakes to develop, manufacture and distribute adult stem cells have the potential to save, restore and enhance human life. This mission is central to everything we do and Stemedica engaged in the execution of this mission with great pasióny scientific discipline. "
Stemedica license was granted by the State of California Department of Public Health, Division of Food and Drugs for the production of stem cells for clinical trials in July 2009 . The drug manufacturing Stemedica License grants the right to manufacture clinical-grade (for human use) or biological pharmaceuticals and recognizes Stemedica when complying with California law and applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations.
About Stemedica Cell Technologies, Inc.
Stemedica Cell Technologies, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing and manufacturing the best adult in-class stem cells and stem cell factors for use by institutions approved research and hospitals for pre-clinical trials and human. The company is currently developing regulatory systems for wound repair apoplejíay. Stemedica is headquartered in San Diego, California.
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Cell Technology Duke Center for Cell Therapy benefits of donating to the Robertson Foundation
10.2 million U.S. dollars a commitment of the Robertson Foundation to create a state of the art Translational Cell Therapy Center (TCTC) will advance research pioneer Duke Medical therapy Cell and treatment programs children and adults with cancer, cerebral palsy, stroke and brain damage suffered at birth. In making the announcement, Victor J. Dzau, MD, Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University and executive director of Duke University Health System, said the gift is intended to facilitate the translation of advances in cell therapy for patient care, especially those related to the work of Joanne Kurtzberg, MD, and his team, who have spent decades researching the therapeutic use of umbilical cord blood.
"The emerging field of regenerative medicine is very promising, and this generous donation will accelerate the pace of Dr. Kurtzberg, and other scientists from Duke, world-renowned work of translation in cell therapy, "said Dzau. "The creation of the TCTC will support the work of many researchers at Duke exploring different applications of cell-based therapies."
Kurtzberg is director of Duke Pediatric Blood and Transplant Mé ; gland Program and director of the Carolinas Cord Bank (CCBB), who founded in 1996 with support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Over the years, the CCBB has grown to become a treatment, storage verificacióny Center for Public cord blood units donated by mothers gave birth in 14 hospitals and health systems across the region . The CCBB is one of the largest public banks of cord blood in the world, currently storing about 27,000 units.
"Dr. Kurtzberg's research reflects the kind of science of transformation that has el potencial para cambiar la vida de miles de personas en todo el país y en todo el mundo", dijo Julian Robertson en nombre de la Fundación Robertson. "La Fundación tiene un enorme respeto por la investigación realizada en Duke en el transcurso de nuestra larga relación, y estamos muy contentos de apoyarlo a través de este don."
sangre del cordón umbilical las células madre, normalmente se desecha después del nacimiento, tienen la capacidad de crecer y desarrollarse en varios tipos de células de todo el cuerpo. Pueden ser cosechados después birth and stored for future transplantation in patients with many types of blood disorders, and increasingly, as well as other diseases. Kurtzberg
is internationally recognized for his pioneering work in umbilical cord blood stem cell therapies. She attended the first person to receive a transplant of umbilical cord blood, and was the first in the world to perform a transplant umbilical cord blood are not related. Much of his current focus is on children with acquired brain injury, or genetically related.
Children with cerebral palsy and other brain injuries come from all over the world to receive cord blood treatments under the direction of Kurtzberg. Despite the anecdotal observations that these procedures are beneficial, such observations should be validated carefully controlled and rigorously conducted trials that will be possible thanks to their generous donation.
"This gift comes at a time so important because it will allow us to move forward with the first placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial in children with cerebral palsy brain that has been specifically designed to answer key questions about the efficacy of cord blood treatment in children with this condition, "says Kurtzberg.
Part of the grant will be used to build a special laboratory where cells are stored harány therapeutic. Plans call for a production of 4,000 square meters of cells and adjacent office space in the 9 th floor of Duke North Pavilion. The laboratory work bajo buenas prácticas de manufactura (GMP), lo que significa que todo el trabajo seguirá pautas estrictas implementadas por los EE.UU. Food and Drug Administration para garantizar el mayor grado de seguridad y calidad.
Con el tiempo, Kurtzberg dice que el apoyo de la Fundación Robertson también permitirá:
* Estudios de sangre del cordón trasplantes de células madre en los recién nacidos algunos con cardiopatía congénita
* Estudios de cuerda-como las células de oligodendrocitos derivados de la sangre (células that produce myelin and insulate nerves lining factors in the brain) in children with genetically determined neurodegenerative diseases acquired
* Studies to determine the value of using umbilical cord blood or bone marrow cells in adults with stroke or brain injury resulting from radiation to treat brain cancer
"We are especially grateful to the Foundation Robertson for this gift as traditional funding sources de la investigación en la actualidad están muy lejos de lo que se necesita", dijo Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, Decano de la Universidad de Duke Facultad de Medicina. "Al mismo tiempo, nuestra necesidad de apoyo continúa, sobre todo si - y en última instancia, nuestros pacientes - la esperanza de capitalizar en el momento oportuno de los muchos descubrimientos emocionantes nuevos provenientes de nuestros laboratorios de investigación."
"The emerging field of regenerative medicine is very promising, and this generous donation will accelerate the pace of Dr. Kurtzberg, and other scientists from Duke, world-renowned work of translation in cell therapy, "said Dzau. "The creation of the TCTC will support the work of many researchers at Duke exploring different applications of cell-based therapies."
Kurtzberg is director of Duke Pediatric Blood and Transplant Mé ; gland Program and director of the Carolinas Cord Bank (CCBB), who founded in 1996 with support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Over the years, the CCBB has grown to become a treatment, storage verificacióny Center for Public cord blood units donated by mothers gave birth in 14 hospitals and health systems across the region . The CCBB is one of the largest public banks of cord blood in the world, currently storing about 27,000 units.
"Dr. Kurtzberg's research reflects the kind of science of transformation that has el potencial para cambiar la vida de miles de personas en todo el país y en todo el mundo", dijo Julian Robertson en nombre de la Fundación Robertson. "La Fundación tiene un enorme respeto por la investigación realizada en Duke en el transcurso de nuestra larga relación, y estamos muy contentos de apoyarlo a través de este don."
sangre del cordón umbilical las células madre, normalmente se desecha después del nacimiento, tienen la capacidad de crecer y desarrollarse en varios tipos de células de todo el cuerpo. Pueden ser cosechados después birth and stored for future transplantation in patients with many types of blood disorders, and increasingly, as well as other diseases. Kurtzberg
is internationally recognized for his pioneering work in umbilical cord blood stem cell therapies. She attended the first person to receive a transplant of umbilical cord blood, and was the first in the world to perform a transplant umbilical cord blood are not related. Much of his current focus is on children with acquired brain injury, or genetically related.
Children with cerebral palsy and other brain injuries come from all over the world to receive cord blood treatments under the direction of Kurtzberg. Despite the anecdotal observations that these procedures are beneficial, such observations should be validated carefully controlled and rigorously conducted trials that will be possible thanks to their generous donation.
"This gift comes at a time so important because it will allow us to move forward with the first placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial in children with cerebral palsy brain that has been specifically designed to answer key questions about the efficacy of cord blood treatment in children with this condition, "says Kurtzberg.
Part of the grant will be used to build a special laboratory where cells are stored harány therapeutic. Plans call for a production of 4,000 square meters of cells and adjacent office space in the 9 th floor of Duke North Pavilion. The laboratory work bajo buenas prácticas de manufactura (GMP), lo que significa que todo el trabajo seguirá pautas estrictas implementadas por los EE.UU. Food and Drug Administration para garantizar el mayor grado de seguridad y calidad.
Con el tiempo, Kurtzberg dice que el apoyo de la Fundación Robertson también permitirá:
* Estudios de sangre del cordón trasplantes de células madre en los recién nacidos algunos con cardiopatía congénita
* Estudios de cuerda-como las células de oligodendrocitos derivados de la sangre (células that produce myelin and insulate nerves lining factors in the brain) in children with genetically determined neurodegenerative diseases acquired
* Studies to determine the value of using umbilical cord blood or bone marrow cells in adults with stroke or brain injury resulting from radiation to treat brain cancer
"We are especially grateful to the Foundation Robertson for this gift as traditional funding sources de la investigación en la actualidad están muy lejos de lo que se necesita", dijo Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, Decano de la Universidad de Duke Facultad de Medicina. "Al mismo tiempo, nuestra necesidad de apoyo continúa, sobre todo si - y en última instancia, nuestros pacientes - la esperanza de capitalizar en el momento oportuno de los muchos descubrimientos emocionantes nuevos provenientes de nuestros laboratorios de investigación."
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functional remodeling of human benign prostatic tissue in vivo by spontaneously Inm
www.crio-cord.com - regeneración de los tejidos adultos o de remodelación, se sugiere iniciar de madre multipotentes, las células progenitoras and stem cells. We have recently reported two new human adults tumorigenic epithelial cell lines and prostate NHPrE1 BHPrE1, which have been generated and characterized in our laboratory. NHPrE1 cells were designated as putative stem cells, showing high levels of expression of stem cells of proteins associated with CD133, CD44, Oct4 and PTEN detected by immunofluorescence (IF) tincióny Western blot. BHPrE1 is defined as intermediate or transit amplifying (TA) cells that express the cell cycle regulation, biomarkers related to p63, p53, p21/WAF1 and RB. We used a tissue recombination xenograft mouse model to compare functional regeneration of human tissues from the prostate gland in vivo.
A series of recombinant tissue by different proportions of the mixture of cells with prostatic NHPrE1 or inductive BHPrE1 rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM), were transplanted to the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice SCID male. Both lines BHPrE1 NHPrE1 cell and were able to regenerate human model, the acinar architecture benign secretory ducts in vivo, containing intact basal and luminal epithelial layers. Cytokeratin appropriate profiles were observed in epithelial tissue layers. The differentiation of prostate-associated proteins, such as the androgen receptor (AR), prostate specific antigen (PSA), NKX3.1 and 15-lipoxygenase-2 (15 - LOX-2), were properly expressed in epithelial remodeling.
NHPrE1 Only 10 cells were able to regenerate structure of benign prostatic glandular when recombined with rat UGM, while 200,000 BHPrE1 cells were necessary to achieve the same. These results suggest a higher proportion of progenitor cells / stem cells NHPrE1 cells than in cells BHPrE1. The data presented supports the idea that in vivo functional remodeling of human benign prostatic ductal acinar architecture is more efficient when initiated from progenitor course rather than intermediate or transit amplifying cé cells.
NHPrE1 cell lines and BHPrE1 share some important characteristics that make them relevant to the research community in urology. First, different molecular characteristics are indicative of possible mechanisms underlying their different abilities, probably due to their different degrees of "stemness."
also of great importance to the field of prostate research, these cells retain expression of biomarkers key human prostate, including the AR and the ability to express differentiation markers associated with PSA, NKX3.1 and 15-LOX-2 when functionally reconstructed in a tissue recombination model while xenotransplantation , n. This represents a breakthrough in this area compared to most current lines of prostate cells. The ability to regenerate functionally benign human prostate ductal acinar architecture with luminal and basal epithelial sub populations that express the appropriate cytokeratin and prostate-related biomarkers with no differentiation of cell lines of prostate currently available to the research community. Both cell lines
BHPrE1 NHPrE1 and provide important data on phenotypes of progenitor cells and medium and represent significant new tools for the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of human prostate regeneration and pathogenesis carcinogenesis. And functionally regenerated recombinant benign prostate tissue, these cell lines will useful models for investigating the biological and molecular mechanisms of the cell related to the genesis of benign and malignant human prostate.
www.crio-cord.com - regeneración de los tejidos adultos o de remodelación, se sugiere iniciar de madre multipotentes, las células progenitoras and stem cells. We have recently reported two new human adults tumorigenic epithelial cell lines and prostate NHPrE1 BHPrE1, which have been generated and characterized in our laboratory. NHPrE1 cells were designated as putative stem cells, showing high levels of expression of stem cells of proteins associated with CD133, CD44, Oct4 and PTEN detected by immunofluorescence (IF) tincióny Western blot. BHPrE1 is defined as intermediate or transit amplifying (TA) cells that express the cell cycle regulation, biomarkers related to p63, p53, p21/WAF1 and RB. We used a tissue recombination xenograft mouse model to compare functional regeneration of human tissues from the prostate gland in vivo.
A series of recombinant tissue by different proportions of the mixture of cells with prostatic NHPrE1 or inductive BHPrE1 rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM), were transplanted to the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice SCID male. Both lines BHPrE1 NHPrE1 cell and were able to regenerate human model, the acinar architecture benign secretory ducts in vivo, containing intact basal and luminal epithelial layers. Cytokeratin appropriate profiles were observed in epithelial tissue layers. The differentiation of prostate-associated proteins, such as the androgen receptor (AR), prostate specific antigen (PSA), NKX3.1 and 15-lipoxygenase-2 (15 - LOX-2), were properly expressed in epithelial remodeling.
NHPrE1 Only 10 cells were able to regenerate structure of benign prostatic glandular when recombined with rat UGM, while 200,000 BHPrE1 cells were necessary to achieve the same. These results suggest a higher proportion of progenitor cells / stem cells NHPrE1 cells than in cells BHPrE1. The data presented supports the idea that in vivo functional remodeling of human benign prostatic ductal acinar architecture is more efficient when initiated from progenitor course rather than intermediate or transit amplifying cé cells.
NHPrE1 cell lines and BHPrE1 share some important characteristics that make them relevant to the research community in urology. First, different molecular characteristics are indicative of possible mechanisms underlying their different abilities, probably due to their different degrees of "stemness."
also of great importance to the field of prostate research, these cells retain expression of biomarkers key human prostate, including the AR and the ability to express differentiation markers associated with PSA, NKX3.1 and 15-LOX-2 when functionally reconstructed in a tissue recombination model while xenotransplantation , n. This represents a breakthrough in this area compared to most current lines of prostate cells. The ability to regenerate functionally benign human prostate ductal acinar architecture with luminal and basal epithelial sub populations that express the appropriate cytokeratin and prostate-related biomarkers with no differentiation of cell lines of prostate currently available to the research community. Both cell lines
BHPrE1 NHPrE1 and provide important data on phenotypes of progenitor cells and medium and represent significant new tools for the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of human prostate regeneration and pathogenesis carcinogenesis. And functionally regenerated recombinant benign prostate tissue, these cell lines will useful models for investigating the biological and molecular mechanisms of the cell related to the genesis of benign and malignant human prostate.
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