Lyzerg Viewpoints on the parties "referring to the holiday, me bitter
write this post not because of controversy or nah U, U The party plan year-end is fixed so I do not mean at all to what we'll do the day 31 to 1, I refer rather to the parties in general. To start, after that my grades are the most disappointing to me in my life is that after waiting 3 months to arrive about holidays is that I break bones in the foot well! And everything starts to get well. People supported me and was worried and I thank you very much, especially Peter and Ana Mari is that almost did not turn out so come to me, many thanks to all for your concern and so and so ^ __ ^ But and understand, the situation is still getting fucked, I'm locked in these four walls for more than 2 weeks and I'm getting a little Tarumba. Then ... as I suppose most will understand, I patasalud for my state I could not go to Chiclana, Higinio or nah and give no voice to say what seems wrong or that I parecebien of the party, fortunately the issue is resolved, and would not remember the topic, I simply say that for me the ultimate goal of a vacation is to spend as much time as possible and special occasions with people I love. In particular, there is one person that I was disappointed because he thought he had great hope in the holidays with me and it is not, frankly I do not expect it, but on the other hand, step to discuss or seek problems because I do not see things clearly because of being locked up in here, but certainly I do not fucking selfish attitudes grace, until the balls go. But weno, I happened to embitter the holidays, too tnego eat coconut so at risk over pasota selfish mind or I'll just try to relax and think of anything I'm here with you all!! A big hug and beware!
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