Saturday, December 31, 2005

Whistling Sound Dishwasher

My wishes for the new year

Well ... This year has really been a year quite fun. In the winter I started something like a change for the better. My other friends were not "wanted" exactly, and I started dating other people. Gradually met many people and very interesting. My two kids already knew before, and Anabel, Chano, Laguna or Sanosuke, but to those of Chiclana did not know, and that was something I was thrilled, and that changed my life. Not that I adapt or change, rather it was something like finding my place as a word to find its exact place in a great book and a great story. Would end the days of true depression, but adimto I usually make a mountain out of a molehill. The summer was great. I am a very warm and also somewhat independent, I am glad that a lot even though I felt like the heat out Jorge and Pedro continue coming to my house. We stayed at my house to sleep in the house of Peter, they were for us everywhere 3, days playing rayante lineage ... may seem, but I found that hilarious, no doubt, I can say has been the best summer of my life and I hope to repeat next year. There have been also made desgradables course, there may be suspicious of people they should not but ... it's actually my way to "prove" that I appreciate people may seem silly but true. After the first quarter started something wrong, I have the searched 3 and is something that I do not like it threatened my future career, and on top, I see the fucking leg. However, my duo and other people have come to me and really appreciate it, even those who have not come to me, thank you worry.

My wish for the new year? Actually my only wish is that everything remains the same .. That re-enjoy everything and nothing changes, that I have my hand to you, be with my two kids and that things always go better in the stability they desire. I do not need love or need these .. just broods necesito tener a mis amigos a mi lado, y especialmente a las dos personitas a las que yo mas quiero, junto a la chica más guapa y a la que protegeré con toda mi alma por siempre. Muchas gracias y..

[[ FeLiZ AñO A TodOs ]]

Friday, December 30, 2005

Which Is Better Bow Tie Or Ascot

Day today-not tomorrow will be nu? -

Bueno, hoy el dia en realidad ha estado y pico de divertido. Fui a Chiclana y estuve con Pedro esperando a carawebo hasta las 9, habia ido a comprarse ropa pa fin de año. Haber señores, una cosa XD Yo no pienso vestirme pijin para fin de año XD Tengo pensado vestuario y tampoco iré a lo salón de gala pero desde luego no pienso ir con corbata y tal aunque aplaudo a quienes lo hagan :P Simplemente no es nu estilo que vaya conmigo y weh espero respeto o something like it? XD bueh Jorge pal case and we then came around. After a very curious swollen balls by both ¬ ¬ And cigars for a tube XD We went back to S. Jorge Fernando leaving at war with itself XDDDDD-not that it came last, my psychiatrist will investigate, and returned to find San Fernando and Lety. Her all excited about her doll to monkeys: D and chatted for a while until estuvimo time my mother picked us up and left us in house. As I have repeatedly depressed (Lord, called to the telly! THAT WAS DEPRESSED LYZERG! THIS IS NEW! XDDDDD) but after 3 songs and giving me a cigarette against the wall chocazos I ended up spending in the world ... Oh well .. I lost the cross inverted and Sarah gave me good ... I'm very sad about it .. I'm sorry I'm a mess ... U_U Anyway ... I leave a mini-effect of my narcissistic vein is lost around XD A hug Niñ @ s!

Best And Cheap Chair Vancouver

lyzerg @ 2005-12-31T00: 31:00

Puppet, a puppet of life
corrupted by his own ambition
moves slowly ...
black is your heart ... Puppet

before all fine threads

maintain their weight threads that you want and do not let you leave
not alleviate her torment

Protected and shattered

forgotten forgot the warmth that once was one now there
God we believe

And he falls and cries .. ..
shatters against sleep and no one saves .. Solo puppeteer
cries ...
[[How fragile is your soul]]


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ohio Commercial Drivers License And Seizures


Oh My God as if he had little with my prison monopeda through which I am crippled for life until day 30, is 5: 30 in the morning and I have a stomachache AN EGG. What they are saying an egg and what is not these days because the truth is I have eaten tamopco an exaggeration, although I am more fat and such but hey, removing it, the truth is that I can not explain. My tummy hurts And it hurts T_T T__________________T muchi .. total .. Well pa and me via strive to fall asleep, Pedro ta sleeping in another room XD At 8 or so I call him pa to come to play ragnarok Besaines xDDDD!

My Labrador Suddenly Started Pooping In The House

Hi folks! A suicide

Well, how are you? -A curious expression coming from me, I hope that good ^ ^ Well, I into my paranoia and my anti-egoism cross well. Christmas Eve was quite boring, with my family and such. This gypsum directly leverage me on the couch in my grandmother's house and started spending channels. Allegedly threw the 40TV Rockstation but it turns out, not cast, very funny. Psxe, in any event the night could not be more boring. After about New Year's Eve because I have no looking forward, to deceive, the New Year's Eve I have already more than annoyed, y eso Siquiera that neither he nor discutido nada simplemente his paranoia Mias. In the end, pues eso, todas maneras espero to este viernes me that quuiten yeso el y pasar la noche vieja pruned todos juntos ok? ;) Un abrazo muy great! Os envidio bipedos of sanatoriums patas! XD

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Cruise Line Audition Attire

The day has arrived. the sun is black.
birds fell down from their perch.
The evil is in our minds and our souls in hell.
And forget everything, I thrust the blade

Deep inside me, deep in my heart
To stop living, to stop the pain.
My eyes weep the blood running down my skin
They cry that the world was never beautiful.
Et mes yeux
ferment, je ne peux plus bouger;
J'entends autour des voix qui me viennent hurler
That je ne dois mourir. c'est trop tard, je m'en vais. J'ai tellement

souffert, vous ne l'Aviezer Vous qui compris
étiez heureux. M'oublier Deveze vous, et vous
Abrutis that. " Profitez de vos vies!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Hmong Chinese Clothes

I dreamed ...

Yesterday, I dreamed that my problems were so tiny they are like little dwarfs who try to cut a large oak tree with his teeth, however much they try, never succeed ... I dreamed that the Virgin and the saints living in the heart of the people, and not hypocritical in their mouths, and they really wanted peace ... Yesterday I dreamed my brothers would always be with me, and that memories are terrible because they overcome every day ... I dreamed I could feel love, and was happy with him, that was really something to rely on forever and make me feel comfortable, protected, like a lion who scratch their belly and quiet .... Yesterday I dreamed that life was something nice, everyone was entitled to live and never disappointed anyone with more joys and sorrows supreme happiness ... But guess what ...

woke Christmas is NOT a party to celebrate the birth of Jesus

Christmas is a party to thank your loved ones
Christmas is a holiday in which to remember those who are not so fortunate

So, thank you all for being there ^ _ ^ Merry Christmas!

How Long Does It Take Allergic Symptoms To Appear

The Vampire Or test or

I swear by my father that I have not done on purpose O_O

Incredibly XD

How Much Is My Pearl Worth?

Lyzerg Viewpoints on the parties "referring to the holiday, me bitter

write this post not because of controversy or nah U, U The party plan year-end is fixed so I do not mean at all to what we'll do the day 31 to 1, I refer rather to the parties in general. To start, after that my grades are the most disappointing to me in my life is that after waiting 3 months to arrive about holidays is that I break bones in the foot well! And everything starts to get well. People supported me and was worried and I thank you very much, especially Peter and Ana Mari is that almost did not turn out so come to me, many thanks to all for your concern and so and so ^ __ ^ But and understand, the situation is still getting fucked, I'm locked in these four walls for more than 2 weeks and I'm getting a little Tarumba. Then ... as I suppose most will understand, I patasalud for my state I could not go to Chiclana, Higinio or nah and give no voice to say what seems wrong or that I parecebien of the party, fortunately the issue is resolved, and would not remember the topic, I simply say that for me the ultimate goal of a vacation is to spend as much time as possible and special occasions with people I love. In particular, there is one person that I was disappointed because he thought he had great hope in the holidays with me and it is not, frankly I do not expect it, but on the other hand, step to discuss or seek problems because I do not see things clearly because of being locked up in here, but certainly I do not fucking selfish attitudes grace, until the balls go. But weno, I happened to embitter the holidays, too tnego eat coconut so at risk over pasota selfish mind or I'll just try to relax and think of anything I'm here with you all!! A big hug and beware!

Friday, December 23, 2005

How To Draw A Scatter Diagram In Excel

Life - -

not know if it's the symptom of leg fucking bad-come on, that I have the cast still screwed I do not know if it's because I'm just a whiner or carajote and I do not know if it's bitterly general, but I'm kinda sick .. damn .... I feel very weak lately I do not know things do not go as I want or I expect and that's something that breaks me, because it puts me in the head that something is so or this person thinks such a thing and when I see what I think is 0.001 degrees tour but I start to eat the coconut and give me the first thing chocazos against I see. This touches the limit of absolute madness I'm going Tururú T_T T_T Anyway I hope everything goes the better and that ... greetings

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

K2 Darkstar Vs Burton Clash

general comment notes by Lyz

1 º Technical drawing: the searched with a 1. Normal and obvious
2 nd Physics and Chemistry: the searched with a 0. Very normal and obvious
3 º Math: the searched with?. No comment, I do my best
4 ° Philosophy: It is not known, but possibly a 9!! : D!! ^ O ^ 5 º
Language: As I said and puffed! Approved ^ O ^ ^ ^ a 7 TOOOMA AND
6 th English: Possibly up remarkably high. Doing a little average on a 8.9 or 9
7 th French: I was blank el oral, pero como el oral importa bastante poco, confio en sacar al menos un 8
8º Informática: La maricona no se ha atrevido a suspenderme, así que tengo un INJUSTO 5
9º Gimnasia: Ni idea, pero aprobado estoy ^^ Os imaginais yo con notable en gimnasia?? LoL
10º Alternativa a la religión: Un 9 ^_^

Me falta alguna asignatura? No, creo que no..pal caso, aquí estan mi ntoas..3 cates y el resto psxe ni fu ni fa. Para el caso, dentro de lo que cabe he dado lo mejor de mi mismo y por muchas circunstancias he sacado esos 3 cates. No obstante, han aplazado mi examen de inglés asi que estoy oficialmente de vacaciones ^___^ Ahora, toca recuperarse del yeso! Saludos nocturnos! Name

Monday, December 19, 2005

Can You Wear Trail Running Shoes On Cement

Mini-test satanically Naga stole

what you like best: "Your family


" Your friends: That there ^ ^

-Your partner: that there

XD "Your job: Philosophy * _ *

-Tu economic situation: What I usually give money to go ^ ^

-Yourself: NOTHING

-God: Not everyone is God

"Music: It allows me to focus on feelings and even a few minutes months of life

-Art: Depending on the type of art, against more symbolic I like

-Cinema: Popcorn

"The theater: The

opera" The new technologies: The existence of computers XD

"War: It is shown cowardice of man


thing you like:" Your family

: Within everything bad, I hate emotional blackmail

"Your friends: As the person changes the reason why I can fuck O, O

" Your partner: What I like ..

"Your job: Drawing, mates and chemical

¬ ¬" Your economic situation: I DO NOT HAVE MONEY TO SNUFF

-Yourself: I hate everything about myself

-God: I like everything, I am somewhat
-Music: Music To consider what is not (regayton)

-El arte: Que a veces se vuelva tan monotemático

-El cine: Los angangos de la fila de atrás que se ponen a tirar palomitas y que, por el bien de sus vidas, nunca me dan

-El teatro: Las obras ñoñas

-Las nuevas tecnologías: Que se pasen con ellas

-La guerra: Odio las guerras, para mí es una muestra de la cobardía y la necesidad de sentirse superior del ser humano, intento estar a 3 metros de la política por lo poco en cuanto tengo ocasión

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Paint Fire Sprinkler Head Covers

^ ^ Valiente shit all

Primer punto mierda. Me van a quedar podian haber sido ni mas ni menos, 3 ¬¬ Mi numero de la mala suerte el puto 3, cuantisimo le odio. Quimica, dibujo y mates. Por qué Lyzerg went to science? Yes folks, it is subnormal
second point deep shit. George Long Extremadura pa .. Yuhuan, a week without seeing peak, with ke ke Wednesday and will not see him for a week so little. It amuses me life ... I know T_T ke me bitter life in general
shit Third item. Chemistry test tomorrow, Lyzerg knows nothing of chemistry. Viva! Fourth item
shit. I'M UP TO THE Yesit BALLS! I've not seen 70% of the world 2 weeks and I'm more ke striped THIS IS Amargant! I have a lot of desire to see you around the site or cualkier Higinio satanic thing
Fifth item T_______________________T shit. The teachers have freaked me and love me stay as it itself (yes sir, and this time is not an excuse).
And above all, sixth and most important shit: I HAVE NOT SNUFF! Aghhh'm going to kill me clean header against the wall!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Cannondale Grind Bike Pants

lyzerg @ 2005-12-18T00: 29:00

I'm tired .. I'm exhausted ... I'm more ... I can not believe I've given everything to me. I worry about absolutely everybody, always try to be kind to others and loving, to consider what they feel well and what they feel sick, be above the people, not let them get depressed etc etc. But guess what? From here to start the new year I think I'm going to take a vacation. Ke is not going to send everyone to take in the ass or anything, just want to give a rest my mind and look at something for myself .... I'm always giving words of encouragement, I have 11 ½ months this year, encouraging, trying to make people not feel bad .. but many times I've had my depression and my mood swings are constant, and although there have been people who supported me and I thank you, maybe not the person has supported me at that time I should have supported. So here you know that .. day .. 31 ..... without depression without sadness .... no Pac ... just me, the people I care and love me a little. I like to talk, but I also think I hear, so I want to watch to see if it really worth so very much I eat coconut as I do, as far as selfish que puedo ser algunas veces... y bueno....por cierto! Denme su opinion, estoy pensando en hacer cosplay del priest de Ragnarok para el salon manga ^^ Saludines!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Burmese Python Morps For Sale

lyzerg @ 2005-12-16T02: 26:00

Son las 2 y 20 de la mañana -piensas-....Mañana tengo ese estúpido exámen de filosofía, y el otro de lengua, y apenas he estudiado lo suficiente como para sacar el aprobado, pero confío en que me lo sé..*das una calada al cigarro*...Y aquí me tienes, como un pasmarote, pasando frío con la ventana abierta para evitar que el humo se cuele en el cuarto, viendo la noche, el parque de abajo completamente vacío..las casas decoradas con motivos navideñ Navidad..*das otra calada al cigarro, esta vez más fuerte the previous *... Christmas .. what Christmas means to me ?.... thought that this Christmas might be special but ..... Jorge is going to Extremadura, Pedro probably can not leave the house and I have this stupid cast that I can not move another hit off ..* *... das What are they doing now? Well, I sleep, I guess. Maybe sometimes I put too much edge or too paranoid and I think things thousands of times, when it should be more impulsive and accept that my perfect world plans and reality are very different .. but it sucks so the cigar comes ..* and half *.... the moon is beautiful today, it is strange that you can see from the window. Look at it, we seem so bright .... a lot .... is surrounded by millions of stars but in the end is alone there, above, looking for its sun, it will never reach ... we seem to give another hit much more ...* *... * look at me look at your reflection in the window *... I am a thistle ... usually I never imported it but .. yeah ..... do not know why there has to be physical ... I am increasingly Far from being happy because of him, and because of myself and because of everything else calda aghhhh more ...* *... I want everything to go well ... I want to end the first quarter, relax, spend a good holiday and be with everybody .. this is my wish for the new year ......* Das and strip the last puff cigar, disponiéndote to study for the test tomorrow * Weh

Where To Install My Floodlights

Well, one more update-XD-

ke wenu say ... oh yeah ... to start thanks to Lety and Peter for putting up the anger ke had this afternoon, I sincerely thank you very much for your help because I subisteis a ratazo morality ^ ^ Then .... I'm a poco...ilusionado / disappointed ... everything ... I am truly in those days when I forget the world: imagination, a video / song sad, any game-viciazo .. stove, no responsibilities no, escape the world and ready .... If you've seen I do not remember .... then ...... I have really wanted to do something, for starters, I have been a vampire monkey HORRIBLE, I have a desire to play a vampire game, against more at better and the more people the better, because I play it is that I have a monkey going awesome, we came before me and Peter and I do not know him but I am longing for. Also, I have also intends to write a fic, and wait for the Kiten ke puto me that we can kedar Yesit Jorgina Peter and I at Peter's house to sleep, I think it'll be quite fun and I spend a whore ke mother (and summer). For that matter, honestly: I decided to be selfish .. maybe go a little against me but I think I need a break and a holiday. Everyone is going to fucking put in his fantasy world and the world in which they are Protas its history, so what has happened, or at least un tiempo, de seguir siendo el personaje mi turno nu?...Bueno...pues eso...a intentar calmar las penas: Cigarro, Ragnarok y eah! Nostalgia powa! Oh, les dejo un lyric de una canción que la verdad tienen que escucharla es muy buena y a mi me trae un monton de sentimientos.... Saludazos!

Vertical Horizon - Everything You want

Somewhere there's speaking
It's already coming in
Oh and it's rising
at the back of your mind
You never could get it
Unless you were fed
Now you're here and you don't know why

But under skinned knees and
the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won't

He's everything you want
He's everything you
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says
all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to
And you don't know why

You're waiting for someone
To put you
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always
another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say


But you'll just sit tight
And watch it
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine
all of your time
It's only what you're waiting for

Out of the
Into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
never did notice
But you still hide away
The anger of angels who won't

I am everything you want
I am everything
you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say
all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you
and I don't know why
And I do not know why Why

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Nightmare Before Christmas Shift Knob

lyzerg @ 2005-12-15T00: 02:00

I do not know I'm sorry I had to take the anger ...

.... but it's the straw that broke the camel ...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vintage Ski Doo Parts Fiche

stolen Tests and tooneken ff_deke Satanism! Hello

1 st Name: Lyzerg ¬ ¬ a problem?
XD 2 º Nickname: Lyzerg
3 º Your name means ...: Well .. it is a character
SK ^ 5 º Sign: Taurus Leo ascendant .. .. .. piscis guidance
6 th phrase you use most often: "Frustrating" ...
7 º're specialist ...: Caring
8 º Skills: Knowledge of things even before they happen, to know people better ke myself, depressed around XD
9 th Favorite color: Black, Aqua
10 º Favorite Number: 5 (and without reward, I warn you XD)
11 º Describe yourself in 3 words: Paranoid, heavy, difficult to understand
12 º What character best represents you?: Lyzerg, Shaman King (insurance ke not you were going to guess XD)
13 º Your favorite animal is: The cat! (Not the yorkshire XD)
14 º And you're a ...: Bear as many XD
15 º favorite country: England and Japan
16 º 3 Things you love: Let me say that I want, that make me laugh, things go as I thought
17 Things I hate # 3: Feeling ignored, people feel away, get angry with people for nonsense
18 º 3 Movies: Mmm .. no I am very cinephile ... but ... .. Young Nightmare Before Christmas and Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street, any of them
19 º 3 Books: The Divine Comedy (Dante), Straight Story (Buero Vallejo) and. ... was like ... I'll tell when I remember, was one of a movie .. ke sakaron Prince can be dethroned? ... Delibes ...
20 º 3 Series or anime: Shaman King (evidental) The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (OF COURSE) and Kare Kano (the only series ke gives me the itch to fall in love)
21 º 3 Games: Soul Calibur, Final Fantasy, Bust Groove
22 No. 3 favorite bands: Persephone, Kyo and Evanescence (as Arturo: This week, though this should include "Coma White, MM
23 No. 3 People you would like to meet (living or dead): Dante, Nietzsche and. Now I can not come no more coconut
24 º 3 Hobbies: Music, philosophy, snuff XD
25 º 3 Things you're good: Caring, giving advice, being "prudent"
26 º 3 Things that you are wrong: Propose things, teasing, arguing about nonsense
27 º Favourite toy: My pekeño gonzo!
28 º Someone who violate Sounds good, I would violate a. .. a. ... a. .. I'm going to shut
29 º Someone who kill or slaughter Sounds good as possible: There should be "somebodies" XD But to encompass : At 90% Angang
of 30 º How do you like to wear?: In black ... mostly because I love this style of clothes and I ke things often represent something to me
31 º Your favorite part of your body is ...: Well ..... because .... because ..... .........................- no-
32 º And you hate the most is ...: All> _

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Krusteze Pancake Mix = Bisquick

people and rabble! Huuula

How about walking? Ke weh hope good! Pal case I'll more or less pulling. I have quite a few tests this week I'd prefer to pass (logical and eivdente aham? XD) and my leg is getting better. The other day Friday at 9 am I went with my mother and one of my nens to the consultation and put a plaster pa ke weighs his father. After the incidents experienced by these last two (¬ ¬ several swipes the cast, fights and fights with my mother, etc.. etc.) sea kedado me monkey! I thank you for your concern muxo all and just nu hehe ^ ^ But for sure next weekend will have me (at least one of the two days) in Hyginus, Take away permanent because I have to sign the leg! (Although carawebos, Sandra, Maria, and Ana Mari Eliu and signed me =))
case the bridge, quite unlike the way he looked, he's left motherfuckers. I had a great time with all these people, has been quite entertaining to ke liars. Jorgina and Peter have kedado aki several days (ke XD joke between a duo with her trauma and another with JAJAJAJAA certain song) and has been quite fun despite the threat of my mother not to go back to let it remain for some paranoia that things will come ... More

Ah yes, Ana Maria (a besazo wapa!) me has given a flag of any wapa *_____________* Manson peusta and I have it on the wall, but is to woh woh but annoyance: D I'm preparing a list for kings, among which will include essentials, such as an inflatable bed so that my mother has no excuse to stay ke two .... but yes, the best news is the day .. now 30, JUST ONE DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S PLASTER ADIOS! MUAJAJAJAJAJAJ Even at swipes against the wall, I kito the cast this day 30 and amen, is ke without thinking! And of course if ke go to the chalet is organized and such right? ^ ^ I hope ke understand me I love to spend the new year with everyone but I had to know before they thought carawebo carawebo one and two, ke for my girlfriends are like my XD but more important is why I did not say yes or but no one expected it hehehe: D

PD: On 30, I removed all quantitative gypsum, which opens the stall and be prepared, End of the century that expert mode is not one that I resist Ò know, O

nens Hugs! :) Good luck on exams everyone! Edito

post: Okay people, and tnego two avocados in the evaluation, thank my teachers are very kind ^ ^ I live!

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Ninja Turtle Footie Pajamas


Long time without writing in this livejournal ke ^ ^ by the way, this feeling like shit, I is sending newly post replies peak XD ago and supreme quality! By the way XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD worried dun hehehe bi Japi wehhhh is 8 am in for an hour ke me I have to go to San Carlos to the hospital with a bit of luck I put a big plaster and can go out there and see you all XD ways that depend on the state of my hoof .. I say to my foot, so if it's wrong because I'll fuck and cloistered ke. For that matter, George is asleep aki (ehe he he he long live to sexual porn XD) and Peter come in the morning after ultraviciarse to ragnarok, iwal ke Jorge guess, which does not let me play in to the night but unfortunately ¬ ¬ pal bueh case if he has served nu weno okay .. and for that, I have wanted to see you all porke'm up to the hilt of have the wrong leg and to be invalid, keda aunke me quite curious for a week of many tests (and cuanod say many I mean many, many). Total, pal case, the 3-cates no kita no to me, hopefully more than ke, aunke the second quarter will see you bastards, you'll see what i is an outstanding Kaso Pal ^ ^ I am going to the salon to have a cup coffee and let this sleeping dauber ke surely waking up in the light end of the screen. Big kiss!

PS: Please note we have not slept ke en toda la noche >_

Friday, December 2, 2005

Techdeck Alien Workshop Two Eagle

lyzerg @ 2005-12-02T23: 11:00

Muchisimas gracias por estar ahi

Con vuestros mas y con vuestros menos

Con vuestras cabezas de piedra

Con vuestras tonterias que me sacan de quicio

Yo solo os pido que nunca olvidéis quienes sois

No necesitáis ser quienes no sois, para mí y para los que os quieren

..Sois perfectos ^^