Friday, November 27, 2009

Can You Get Addicted To Orajel?

Version Original Subtitulada

And we wanted to know what happened in Doubt, Tati ...
Here it is. My first video subtitling. Laugh xD


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Make House Blueprints Online Free

My First GIF

xD I can feel proud to be the first ... better to draw ^ ^

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Best Bang For Your Buck Camcorder

Prolegomena ^ ^ At Madrid - Chelsea

Paranormal Activity

Puerta de Toledo 19: 50

Chelsea man: How many time .... stadium??
My father ... 10 Minutillo puuuuuuesssss ox aii
My uncle (hands xD): diiez, ten
I: ten minutes
Chelsea man: woow, okok, thank's. XD grasias
Us: okok. Bye

Chelsea man 2 (the distance): wowowowo FOLLOW THEM. They go to the stadium xD
Yo: nos están siguiendo.....xD
Mi padre: vale. ¿Y qué pasa si me voy al metro porque voi a mi casa y vienen detrás de mi?¿Los subo a casa?
Mi tio: O te los llevas a Aluche y los dejas allí xD

En el semáforo, Puerta de Toledo 20:00
Chelsea men (dandome tokecitos en la espalda): Follow them, follow them...

(Me doi la welta)
Chelsea calvo 1: The stadium?? Where??
Nosotros: pallá' baaajo xD
Chelsea supporter Nº 4958: WTF??
Yo: there, there. Right!!
My father, yes, yes. X aii xD
bald Chelsea 1 (with a frown and crossed arms): Nooooo, I do not believee you (my father xD x)
Me: yes, yes. There!! Chelsea
bald 1: Nooooo, I do not believe, I do not believe. In

why I approached him y. ..
Me: Believe me, please xD
Chelsea bald wooow, okok. There?? Thank's! (Hug friendly, while going down, but ...)

bald Chelsea 2: wowowowowo, Real Madrid ...?? Sucks!! Saturday 4-0

Us: jajajajajaja, k chelsiano kabron the bald xD
Chelsea 2: ohhh! REAL MADRID .... FUCK! (Cut of mangas and acerlo asking me to me) REAL MADRID ... FUCK!!
okokok xD Me: hahaha, yeah. Real Madrid, Chelsea
saturday ... xD bald 2: woowww, good luck! (Another friendly hug xD)
My father (former Chelsea go bald d 2 ):.... Fernando Torres ... LoLoLoLoLoLo (8) Chelsea
Man: eeeeee hehehehe (and leaves)
My father goes to goliito xD I

jajajajajajajaja metiió Near Riot
20:07 Vicente Calderon (on everything but Atleti shirt wearing): Chelsea? Chelsea?

Pasams, and says nothing ... (Llevabams scarves and t-shirts, logical xD)
My father, fuck. What si soy del Chelsea, que pasa?
Mi tio: naaa. Teníamos que haberle dicho si nos hubiese preguntado... "Chelsea??" "Nooo, de la Gimnástica de la Torrelavega, no tee jode xDDD"