This has been a difficult decision but necessary. Barca
As they say, the stage came to an end, and with it my last Journal has passed into history. I do not end up closing it because I have many wonderful friends and as far as it goes, it was who gave me the opportunity to get to know the scene and get stage fright overcame my posting there my first letters with minimal direction. But the round is over for him.
Necesitaba un cambio, un lavado de cara y aquí estoy.
Nuevo Churnal, nuevo fandom, nueva OTP, nuevas obsesiones y nuevas espectativas para con ello.
Debo agradecerle a mi ángel personal -que tiene un crush importante con Sammeh- que se le metiera entre ceja y ceja que debía ver SPN. Aunque al principio cada una tiraba para un Winchi diferente
engaging as a drug, why drag people to the series as a refrigerator with a magnet does, is found. SPN
bump me out of my depression by life events and the hiatus of the evil that was installed in me and not allow me to not take a decent letter or stroke. Since Cass - Omg! Cass * drool * - I zappeó their world, lines sprout me alone and not for pen spinning, is surprising. But yes, I have too much motivation, but a lack of talent rather remarkable xD
So. ..
"Confetti! It's a parade! "